Page 23 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 23


          AIPMA announces 'National Essay Contest'

             IPMA is pleased to announce the launch of 3rd National   1st Zonal Runnerup  -  Tablet (1 from each zone)
          AEssay Contest, aimed at getting students from class   2nd Zonal Runnerup  -  Smart Phone (1 from each zone)
          IXTH & XTH standards across the country.
                                                                50 Consolation Prizes
          In order to familiarise the students about positive aspects
          of plastics, we are holding an essay competition consisting   &HUWLÀFDWHV WR DOO 3DUWLFLSDQWV
          of not over 500 words in English language from any of the   Special Prizes for Schools (1 from each zone)
          four subjects given here below:                       1.  School sending highest number of ENTRIES: MOBILE

              ´3ODVWLF  7KH :RQGHU 0DWHULDOµ                        PHONE/ CERTIFICATE
          *   “IMAGINE A day without plastic”                   2.  School of each zone of the Award winning CANDIDATE:
          *   “Plastic- Beyond imagination”                         TROPHY
              ´3ODVWLF  /LWWHULQJ DQG :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQWµ         Prizes will be awarded during our Mega event “Plastivision
          :LQQHUV ZLOO EH DZDUGHG IDEXORXV SUL]HV               India-  2020” on 17th January- 2020 at Bombay Exhibition
                                                                Centre, Goregaon (East), Mumbai.
          =RQDO :LQQHU   /DS WRS    IURP HDFK ]RQH

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