Page 45 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 45


          terials to reduce waste and enhance     Biodegradability:  Paper  based  the environment.
          efficiency. By staying informed about   packaging naturally breaks down   One possible solution involves invest-
          these trends and utilizing cutting edge   over time whereas plastics can   ing in recycling technologies that can
          technologies  businesses  operating  in   remain in the environment  for   effectively  process  flexible  packaging
          the packaging paper industry can po-   hundreds of years. For example,   paper. Moreover, companies can ex-
          sition themselves for success.         in the ocean paper products bio-  plore materials and coatings that en-
          Sustainability in numbers              degrade within weeks to several   hance the recyclability of their prod-
          To highlight the eco nature of flexible   months while  plastics  can take   ucts. By joining forces with industry
          packaging  paper,  let’s  explore  some   centuries to decompose.      stakeholders,  we can work towards
          intriguing statistics.                Consumer Preferences: Accord-   creating a more sustainable future, for
             Recyclability: The United States   ing to a survey, it was discovered  flexible packaging paper.
             has a recycling rate of 66%, for    that 74% of consumers world-    Conclusion
             paper products as reported  by      wide are willing to modify their   In summary, flexible packaging paper
             the  American Forest  and Paper     consumption patterns in order to   plays a vital role in the packaging sec-
             Association (AF&PA). This figure    lessen  their  environmental  foot-  tor owing to its versatility, cost effec-
             exceeds  the  recycling  rates  of   print.  Opting  for packaging  op-  tiveness and eco friendliness. It finds
             other packaging materials.          tions that align with these prefer-  applications  in  areas  such  as  food
            Reduced  Carbon Footprint:  A       ences  can  greatly  contribute  to   packaging,  medical packaging and
                                                 the success and growth of busi-
             study found  that the utilization   nesses.                         consumer goods packaging.
             of  flexible  packaging  has  been                                  As the flexible packaging industry con-
             shown to decrease the over-     Challenges  in  the  flexible  packaging   tinues  to evolve  through innovation
             all impact on global warming by   paper industry                    businesses  that  adopt packaging  pa-
             34%  when  compared to rigid    The  flexible  packaging  paper  indus-  per can capitalize on its potential, for
             packaging options.              try encounters obstacles, such as the   growth and meet the needs of today’s
             Resource  Efficiency:  Flexible   requirement  for improved recycling   consumers. Opting for packaging pa-
             packaging paper usually needs   infrastructure and the growing com-  per not only allows us to reduce our
             plastic or polypropylene com-   petition from plastic packaging.    carbon footprint but also contributes
             pared to plastic in order to pro-  Although  flexible  packaging  paper  is  towards building a more sustainable
             vide the same level of protection.   environmentally friendly and cost ef-  future.
             This efficiency helps in conserving   fective it necessitates appropriate dis-
             resources and minimizing waste.  posal techniques to prevent harm to

          Start-up establishes UK’s first pilot plant for recycling plastic lab waste

                                                                                   n today’s paced society, the role of
                                                                                  Ipackaging  is  extremely  important
                                                                                  in preserving and delivering products
                                                                                  while also minimizing harm to the en-
                                                                                  As both consumers and manufactur-
                                                                                  ers become more environmentally
                                                                                  conscious, there is a growing demand
                                                                                  for packaging solutions that are sus-
                                                                                  tainable.  One  interesting  response
                                                                                  to this demand is packaging paper,
                                                                                  which is a versatile material that can
                                                                                  be easily moulded and shaped to fit
                                                                                  various products.

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