Page 60 - Plastics News September 2023
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SABIC develops bio-based versions of popular resins
                                                                                 available now. Customers wishing to
                                                                                 order bio-based versions of other
                                                                                 NORYL, NORYL GTX, Flex NORYL
                                                                                 or NORYL PPX materials should con-
                                                                                 tact their SABIC representative.
                                                                                 NORYL  NH5120BIO4  resin is well
                                                                                 suited for evaluation in housings and
                                                                                 enclosures,   heating/ventilation/air
                                                                                 conditioning (HVAC) components
                                                                                 and photovoltaic/solar junction boxes.
                                                                                 It is a bio-based, non-brominated/
                                                                                 non-chlorinated flame-retardant resin
                                                                                 with a UL flame rating of V1 at 1.5mm
                                                                                 with no intentionally added per- and
              hemicals producer SABIC,  is now  introduced  post-consumer  recycled   polyfluorinated  substances  (PFAS).
          Coffering bio-based versions of all  (PCR)-based materials containing   NORYL  NH5120BIO4  resin  delivers
          NORYL, Flexible  NORYL, NORYL  more than 25 percent PCR content.       a balance of heat resistance, flow, hy-
          GTX and NORYL PPX resin grades to   “We’re  pleased to provide  custom-  drolytic and dimensional stability, and
          help customers meet increasingly rig-  ers with new choices to reduce the   creep  performance,  and retains  its
          orous sustainability goals. It is claimed   global warming potential of both ex-  good mechanical properties in harsh
          that, The bio-based versions, formu-  isting and new applications made with   outdoor environments.
          lated with polyphenylene ether (PPE)   NORYL materials,” said Joshua Chi-
          resin feedstocks certified under Inter-  aw, director, Business  Management,   NORYL  GFN2BIO3  resin  features
          national Sustainability & Carbon Cer-  LNP & NORYL, Specialties, SABIC.   high strength,  hydrolytic  and dimen-
          tification (ISCC) PLUS, provide prop-  “Bio-based PPE feedstocks  enable   sional stability, low warpage and low
          erties similar to those of fossil-based   SABIC to efficiently produce sustain-  specific gravity. This bio-based mate-
          grades.  Customers  may  select  from   able NORYL materials that can serve   rial carries  a UL746C  outdoor suit-
          multiple  levels of bio-based content   as drop-in replacements for tradition-  ability rating of F1 and is an excellent
          for their chosen NORYL product.    al grades – with equivalent  perfor-  candidate for indoor and outdoor ap-
          To demonstrate the feasibility of this  mance and processability. Expansion   plications in the building & construc-
                                                                                 tion and lawn & garden industries.
          bio-based approach, SABIC claims  of our NORYL resin portfolio with
          that it  has proactively  commercial-  bio-based versions is a key part of our   NORYL GTX902BIO3 resin is a bio-
          ised  three  popular NORYL  grades;  strategy  for helping  brands, OEMs,   based PPE alloy that provides  chemi-
          however, these  example  materials  tier suppliers and molders achieve   cal resistance and paintability  for
          represent only a small percentage of  their sustainability goals.”     potential  use  in applications such as
          the full offering. The availability of bio-  Examples of Bio-based NORYL   automotive wheel covers, automotive
          based versions broadens the choice of   Grades                         electrical components and painted au-
          environmentally  responsible  NORYL   The following bio-based products are   tomotive trim.
          resins beyond the company’s recently

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