Page 65 - Plastics News September 2023
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ReCircle earns certification under OBP certification programme
ards. ment and local communities, and its
efforts to minimise its environmen-
ReCircle, which has grown from a
grassroots-level waste collection ag- tal footprint through effective waste
gregator into a thriving waste re- management.
covery company handling 8,800 kg/ In addition, OBP certification further
hour, was founded in 2016 by Rahul validates ReCircle’s traceability claims
Nainani and Gurashish Singh Sahni. and the fact that the company
Their aim was to develop a system to Collects and eliminates non-commer-
divert waste away from landfills and cially recyclable Ocean Bound Plas-
oceans, back into the economy to be tic, while verifying and tracing plastic
recycled, reused or repurposed. To- credits.
day, as a technology-enabled enter-
Mumbai, India-headquartered ReCir- prise, ReCircle enables transparency, “At ReCircle, we believe that a sus-
cle, has been certified under the pres- traceability and accountability in the tainable future is within reach, and
tigious Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) resource value chain, as demonstrat- with initiatives like the OBP Certifica-
Certification Program by Zero Plastic ed by its having successfully achieved tion Program, we are getting one step
Oceans (ZPO).
OBP certification. closer to achieving it,” said Rahul Nai-
The certification is an independent, Certification under the OBP certifi- nani, co-founder & CEO, ReCircle.
third-party certification of ocean- cation programme provides confir- Marine plastic pollution is a multifac-
bound plastics recycling supply chains mation of ReCircle’s ‘adequate and eted problem — and we are one part
to ensure they meet international en- ethical collection’ of Ocean Bound of the solution, he added.
vironment, ethical and labour stand-
Plastic waste, benefiting the environ-
Plastics Industry Awards 2023 finalists announced
ards. ment and local communities, and its
efforts to minimise its environmen-
ReCircle, which has grown from a
grassroots-level waste collection ag- tal footprint through effective waste
gregator into a thriving waste re- management.
covery company handling 8,800 kg/ In addition, OBP certification further
hour, was founded in 2016 by Rahul validates ReCircle’s traceability claims
Nainani and Gurashish Singh Sahni. and the fact that the company
Their aim was to develop a system to Collects and eliminates non-commer-
divert waste away from landfills and cially recyclable Ocean Bound Plas-
oceans, back into the economy to be tic, while verifying and tracing plastic
recycled, reused or repurposed. To- credits.
day, as a technology-enabled enter-
Mumbai, India-headquartered ReCir- prise, ReCircle enables transparency, “At ReCircle, we believe that a sus-
cle, has been certified under the pres- traceability and accountability in the tainable future is within reach, and
tigious Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) resource value chain, as demonstrat- with initiatives like the OBP Certifica-
Certification Program by Zero Plastic ed by its having successfully achieved tion Program, we are getting one step
Oceans (ZPO).
OBP certification. closer to achieving it,” said Rahul Nai-
The certification is an independent, Certification under the OBP certifi- nani, co-founder & CEO, ReCircle.
third-party certification of ocean- cation programme provides confir- Marine plastic pollution is a multifac-
bound plastics recycling supply chains mation of ReCircle’s ‘adequate and eted problem — and we are one part
to ensure they meet international en- ethical collection’ of Ocean Bound of the solution, he added.
vironment, ethical and labour stand-
Plastic waste, benefiting the environ-
September 2023 PLASTICS NEWS