Page 63 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 63


          How Production Printers Are Enabling Marketers to Respond to Today’s
          Market Defining Pressures

                                             This  places greater  pressure onmar-  its Comet Circle model for reusing
                                             keters,  print  buyers,  and brands to  parts and  recycling materials lessens
                                             deliver improved affordability or to  environmental  impact  and promotes
                                             communicate  why  their  offering  is  a multi-tiered  recycling system.. All
                                             valuable. It is also why they should  these  benefits  can  be  passed  on  to
                                             choose the most appropriate message  marketers, print buyers, and brands.
                                             and avoid a spray and pray approach.   These are just a few of the initiatives
                                             This is where highly crafted, person-  that have resulted in Ricoh being
                                             alised but affordable campaigns, pro-  rated as one of the Global 100 Most
                                             duced on  the just-announced Ricoh   Sustainable Corporations in the world
                                             Pro™ 9500,  the  latest  evolution  in   for the eleventh time and selected as
                                             colour sheetfed digital printing tech-  a member of the Sustainability Year-
          Escalating costs, greater development   nology, can be developed to detail rel-
          of sustainable practices, and enhanc-  evant USPs.                     book 2023 by S&P Global.
          ing customer engagement are among                                      3 Personalisation
          the market pressures shaping strategy   2 Sustainability               Customers have growing expecta-
          for today’s marketers,  print buyers,   According to Deloitte’s  Global Mar-  tions around personalisation with an
          and brands.                        keting  Trends 2023 brands reported   Insider  Intelligence  survey  reporting
          These pressures are defining their re-  their top three priorities for sustain-  73% of shoppers imagine brands will
          lationship with the  communications   ability efforts were improving sustain-  understand their unique needs. 56%
          channels  that  can be  used  and the   ability of internal marketing practices,   expect offers to always be personal-
          technologies  that  can be  adopted in   promoting more sustainable product   ised.
          these ways:                        and service offerings, and establishing   This is where personalised print pro-
                                             long term sustainability commitments.
          1 Escalating costs                 Digital production printers have been   duced on systems such as the brand
          The  European Parliament  reported   developed  to produce tailored  cam-  new Ricoh Pro C9500 can play a key
          that the rising cost of living is the most   paigns on demand, ensuring the most   role. Beyond using the recipient’s
          pressing worry for 93% of Europe-  efficient use of resources. They have   name and address marketers can de-
          ans. Almost half of the EU population   also been designed to be more sus-  velop tailored communications and
          (46%) say that their standard of living   tainable in terms  of their  manufac-  content that respond to specific trig-
          had been reduced due to the conse-  ture by reducing energy consumption   gers or actions. These can be based
          quences of the COVID-19 pandemic,   while maximising production uptime   on previous information shared such
          Russia’s invasion of  Ukraine and  the   and efficiency. Ricoh’s software, some   as key dates, interests or buying habits
          cost of living crisis. A further 39% ex-  of which is cloud-based, aids efficien-  .Deloitte’s  research also highlighted
          pect to see their standard of living fall   cy, productivity and trims waste, par-  interest in the implementation of sys-
          in during 2023.                    ticularly with substrates.          tems  or algorithms  to  enhance  cus-
          Great  Britain’s  Office  for  National   Ricoh also identifies practical solutions   tomer personalisation. Output from
          Statistics reported that 71% of British   to help print businesses drive down   Ricoh’s class leading production print-
          adults were cutting back on non-es-  costs, transform operations and sup-  ers is supported by software solutions
          sentials, 54% were shopping around   port growth with its Lean Print Ser-  such as /data.mill Data Cleansing So-
          more and 52% were spending less    vices while its Carbon Balanced Print-  lution that automatically interrogates
          on food shopping and essentials. Eu-  ing  Programme  enables  operations   and corrects data inaccuracies quickly
          ropeans are also cutting back on sub-  to analyse,  optimise  and neutralise   and simply, aiding a smooth and effec-
          scriptions such as those for streaming   their carbon  emissions. Ricoh oper-  tive process and the easy to use Fu-
          services,  fitness  apps  or  other  non-  ates a zero waste to landfill strategy   sionPro VDP Solutions suite of tools
          essential things.                  at its manufacturing facility too, and   for  simple design and production of
                                                                                 personalised communications.

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