Page 61 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 61


          Molecular Breakthrough Boosts Durability of Plastics

                                                                                 “The molecule not only solves current
                                                                                 issues  but  significantly  opens  up  de-
                                                                                 sign space for more innovations in the
               hen incorporated into plastics,  deterioration is repeated exposure   future,” said Dugger, a Sandia chemi-
          Wthe molecule invented at Sandia  from hot  to  cold temperatures  and   cal engineer  who has been looking
          Labs contracts instead  of expanding  back. Most materials expand when   at potential applications, especially in
          when exposed to heat by changing its  heated  and contract  when  cooled,   defense systems.
          shape.                             but each material has its own rate of   The invention also can be incorporat-
          Plastic typically expands and contracts   change. Polymers, for example, ex-  ed into different parts of a polymer at
          when exposed repeatedly to hot and   pand and contract the  most, while   different percentages for 3D printing.
          cold temperatures, affecting its dura-  metals  and ceramics  contract  the   “You could print a structure with cer-
          bility in a range of applications. Addi-  least. Complications ensue when sev-  tain  thermal behaviors  in one  area,
          tives can mitigate this issue, but most   eral materials are used in a product, as   and other thermal behaviors in anoth-
          products combine different materials,   is often the case.             er to match the materials in different
          and  managing  fillers  to  compensate  “Take for  example, your phone,   parts of the item,” Dugger said.
          for thermal expansion mismatch gets  which has a plastic housing, coupled
          complicated.  Researchers  at Sandia  to a glass screen, and inside that, the   The  molecule also has potential  in
          National Laboratories may have a so-  metals and ceramics that make up the   lightweighting applications and adhe-
          lution — it all begins at the molecular  circuitry,” Redline said. “These mate-  sive formulations.
          level.                             rials are all screwed, glued, or some-  Currently, the molecule  is  only  be-
          The  team  modified  a  molecule  so   how bonded  together  and will start  ing produced in small quantities — it
          that it can easily be incorporated into   expanding and contracting at different  takes about 10 days to make between
          a polymer  to  change  its  properties.   rates, putting stresses on one another  7 and 10 grams.
          When the molecule is heated, it con-  which can cause them  to crack or  The  team  is  working  to  reduce  the
          tracts instead of expanding by under-  warp over time.”                production steps using  $100,000  in
          going a change in its shape, explained  “I thought, what if I conjured up a per-  funding through  Sandia’s technol-
          research team leader Erica Redline, a  fect  material.  What  would that  look  ogy maturation program, which helps
          materials scientist.               like,” Redline said.                ready products for the marketplace.
          “When [the molecule is] added to a  Redline thinks she’s done it, with the  “My role is to see if there is an easier
          polymer, it causes that polymer to  help of her team: Chad Staiger, Jason  way to make it at a commercial lev-
          contract less, hitting  expansion and  Dugger, Eric  Nagel,  Koushik Ghosh,  el,” said postdoc Eric Nagel. “There
          contraction values  similar to metals.  Jeff  Foster,  Kenneth  Lyons,  Alana  is nothing like it out there. I am re-
          To have a molecule that behaves like  Yoon and academic alliance collabo-  ally excited at the possibilities of what
          metal is pretty remarkable,” said Red-  rators Professor Zachariah Page and  this technology can do and the appli-
          line.                              graduate student Meghan Kiker.      cations that could be associated with
          Reducing material deterioration    Applications in 3D printing and light-  this.”
          One of the biggest factors in material   weighting

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