Page 67 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 67


          Interplas returns for biggest show in over 20 years
                                                                                 bre speakers will  take to the stage to
                                                                                 present the latest in recycling, materi-
                                                                                 als, digitalisation, regulation and much
                                                                                 With  a new  purpose-built  theatre,
                                                                                 top-calibre speakers will take to the
                                                                                 stage to present the latest in recycling,
                                                                                 materials, digitalisation, regulation and
                                                                                 much more.
                                                                                 There will also be an extensive line-
                                                                                 up of interactive sessions during the

             he  UK's  No.1  plastics  event,  In-  tions that tells you Interplas is around   conference, offering attendees  the
          Tterplas is set to take place at the  the corner. The show floor is going to   opportunity to engage with influential
          end of the month, on 26-28th  Sep-  be packed with innovation and visitor   speakers. Many of these sessions are
          tember at the NEC, Birmingham.     registration is flying along well ahead   led by leading associations from the
          This year’s event, a celebration of 75   of  previous editions, if you are in-  plastics industry.
          years of Interplas and its forerunners,   volved in any way in the plastics indus-  The Introducing Stage
          will see over 530 exhibitors present   try then you have to be at the NEC at
          on the show floor, alongside a host of   the end of the month!”
          conference sessions and features de-  Ian Taylor, Managing  Director  for
          signed to elevate UK manufacturing’s  Conventions & Exhibitions at the NEC
          knowledge of the latest plastics tech-  Group, said: "Interplas was one of our
          nology from around the globe.      very first shows at the NEC when we
          Just some of the  exhibitors at the   opened in 1976, so we're delighted to
          show include Arburg, Engel, Krauss   see it go from strength to strength as
          Maffei, Wittmann Battenfeld,  Sepro,   the UK's definitive and leading plastics
          Mouldshop, TH Plastics,  Bole,  Sum-  event.
          mit Systems, Borche, Haitian, Motan  "We'd like to wish everyone connect-  This stage will host an exciting pro-
          Colortronic, Simoldes, UK Extrusion,  ed to Interplas a very happy 75th year,   gramme of  inspiring speakers across
          Negri Bossi, Billion, Piovan, Bausano,  as we  welcome  this  year's  event  to   the plastics sector. These sessions are
          Ultra  Polymers, Hasco, Distrupol,  the NEC on 26th September.         perfect for attendees wanting to find
          CMS, Fanuc, Albis, Snetor, BMB Spa,   "We  know the  event  will facilitate   out the latest cutting-edge innovations
          Campetella,  United Polymers and   valuable trading opportunities  for   in moulding and forming, materials,
          many more.                         hundreds of exhibiting businesses, as   automation, software, and inspection,
          Duncan Wood, CEO of Rapid News  the  plastics  industry  comes together   to name just a few.
          Group, the  organiser  of Interplas,  to showcase new products, machines   Knowledge Pavilion
          commented:  the  plastics  industry  and ideas."                       The Knowledge Pavilion provides a
          comes to Interplas to do business and   Exciting features visitors will gain ac-  rare opportunity for visitors to infor-
          with  the  largest  number  of  exhibi-  cess to include:              mation-gather  and network among
          tors on the £27 billion UK show since   Interplas Insights Conference  some of the most influential organisa-
          2002, Interplas 2023 will be an edition                                tions in the British plastics industry.
          that  befits  a  75th  birthday  celebra-  A world-class conference programme   Representatives from various groups,
          tion.”                             will take place at the show presenting   including  the  RECOUP, the  Polymer
                                             a wide range of themes  and challeng-
           “There is a growing buzz across the   es facing the plastics industry. With a   Machinery  Manufacturers and Dis-
          industry, on social and in conversa-                                   tributors  Association (PMMDA) and
                                             new purpose-built  theatre,  top-cali-

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