Page 43 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 43


          alisation: Jaydev SD et al. Nature Chemical Engi-     is best stirred using an impeller with blades par-
          neering 2024, modified                                allel to the axis. Compared to a propeller with
                                                                angled blades or a turbine-shaped stirrer, this
          “The molten plastic is a thousand times thicker       results in more even mixing and fewer flow vor-
          than honey. The key is how you stir it in the tank    tices. The stirring speed is equally crucial. It must
          to ensure  the  catalyst  powder  and hydrogen        be neither too slow nor too fast; the ideal speed
          get mixed right through,” explains Antonio José       is close to 1,000 revolutions per minute.
          Martín, a scientist in Pérez-Ramírez’s group.
          Through experiments and computer simulations,                                   Source – Recycling Magazine
          the research team demonstrated that the plastic

          How the manufacturing sector is tackling waste

                                                                UK, has offered some industry-level insight into
                                                                how the industry is working to mitigate waste

                                                                Reduction of single-use plastic

                                                                Plastic  has  become  the most  common man-
                                                                made material produced, accounting for more
                                                                than 380 million tonnes globally per year. De-
                                                                spite these huge amounts, a study from the El-
                                                                len MacArthur Foundation and the World Eco-
                 he manufacturing sector is a huge con-
                 tributor to waste in the UK, with the UK       nomic Forum found that only 14% of all plastic
          Tgovernment estimating that in 2020, it               packaging is collected for recycling.
          generated around 40.4 million tonnes of com-          This can be difficult for manufacturers as it filters
          mercial and industrial waste.
                                                                throughout the supply chain, but there is plenty
                                                                that can be done to better your own company’s
          This is an outstanding amount of waste pro-
          duced, particularly with Plastics Europe finding      standing. One way to do this is to reevaluate
          that the annual waste production equates to al-       your packaging use. You may discover that you
          most 8.9 million tonnes.                              can reuse clean packaging materials, use recy-
                                                                cled and recyclable  materials,  or even reduce
          With this significant amount having a huge im-        the amount of packaging required to reduce
          pact on the environment, a high priority for the      waste.
          sector is managing the waste and reducing the
          annual levels created. Scott Hawthorne from           As increased focus is placed on finding alterna-
          Skips & Bins, a leading provider of skip hire in the   tives to single-use plastics, many manufacturers

             September 2024
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