Page 40 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 40


          ties, the recycling industry and the wider supply     well as adhesives for plastics, have helped keep
          chain towards achieving a circular economy for        wastage low once plastics are reconstituted.
          plastics.                                             And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

          “This includes a sharp increase in recycling          The Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) is
          of plastic packaging (up more than 50% since          dedicated to figuring out how plastics can con-
          2009), the introduction of mixed plastic collec-      tinue on their path towards sustainability – while
          tions by the majority of local authorities (up to     not compromising cost for the consumer.
          an estimated 67% in 2014/15) and light-weighting
          by brands and retailers.”                             Creating a sustainable economy on recyclable
                                                                plastics is a process which takes tact and time.
          Improvements and periphery tools are helping          Although other industries might not be able to
          matters.                                              manage it, plastics are heading in the right direc-
          Adhesives  from  companies  like  Tensor,  which
          manufactures marine glue and joinery glue as                                   Source – Plastics Technology

          India aims to lead next industrial revolution with

          biomanufacturing policy: DBT

            ndia introduced the BioE3 policy to tackle chal-    the BioE3 policy for fostering high-performance
            lenges related to food, energy, and climate.        biomanufacturing aims to boost innovation and
          IApproved by the Union Cabinet, the policy            entrepreneurship in different fields. High-per-
          focuses on enhancing innovation in biomanu-           formance biomanufacturing involves the pro-
          facturing, covering everything from medicines         duction of products ranging from medicine to
          to bio-plastics. The initiative is expected to cre-   materials, tackling farming and food challenges,
          ate  job  opportunities  and  promote  sustainable    and promoting the manufacturing of bio-based
          development. The policy aligns with India's aim       products through the integration of advanced
          to become a developed nation by 2047, provid-         biotechnological processes. Laying the founda-
          ing alternatives to traditional resources and ad-     tion of the BioE3 policy, Finance Minister Nirmala
          dressing environmental concerns.                      Sitharaman in the Interim Budget had announced
                                                                "a new scheme of bio-manufacturing and bio-
          India is positioning itself at the forefront of the   foundry" to provide environment-friendly alter-
          next industrial revolution with its new biomanu-      natives  such  as  biodegradable  polymers,  bio-
          facturing policy designed to tackle food, energy      plastics, biopharmaceuticals and bio agri inputs.
          and climate challenges, officials said on Sunday.
          Approved by the Union Cabinet on Saturday,

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