Page 41 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 41


          "India aims to lead the next industrial revolution.   Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnol-
          Unlike the semiconductor industry, which arrived      ogy in Delhi and the National Agri-Food Biotech-
          in India 15-20 years later, we must seize this op-    nology Institute in Mohali, he said. Gokhale said
          portunity now. Biomanufacturing will help exist-      India imports about three-fourths of its crude oil
          ing industries meet growing demands for food          and the goal is to replace some of this oil with
          and fuel while also creating new job opportuni-       products made from biomass, plastic waste, and
          ties," Rajesh Gokhale, Secretary of the Depart-       carbon dioxide over the next 20 years. Achiev-
          ment of Biotechnology,                                ing this will require advanced technology and
                                                                scaling up production. "The BioE3 policy is de-
          "The world has experienced several industrial         signed to streamline these processes," he said.
          revolutions -- driven by steam power, electricity,    Citing an example, Gokhale said India is the larg-
          oil, and information and communication technol-       est producer of milk, but each person gets only
          ogy. Countries that embraced new technologies         459 grams per day. With the population grow-
          advanced more quickly.                                ing, increasing the number of cattle is not sus-

                                                                tainable due to land and water constraints, ris-
          "The next revolution will be driven by the indus-
          trialisation of biological sources and processes.     ing feed costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and
                                                                antibiotic resistance, he said. Bio-manufacturing
          Therefore,  the  BioE3  policy aligns  with  India's
          goal of becoming a developed nation by 2047,"         could help meet dairy needs through non-dairy
                                                                milk alternatives and ensure resource sustain-
          Gokhale said. he DBT secretary said biomanu-
          facturing offers solutions to climate change, re-     ability, he said. Scientists present at the briefing
                                                                mentioned that an Indian steel company is also
          source depletion, waste generation, and pollution
          through innovations like biotextiles and bioplas-     working on integrating algal farms with its facili-
                                                                ties to capture carbon dioxide directly from ex-
          tics. Enzymes and microbial strains are essential
          for this process. Novazyme is a leading global        haust gases.
          producer of enzymes, he said. In India, research                               Source – The Economic Times
          is underway at facilities like the International

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