Page 39 - Plastics News September 2024
P. 39


          The Powerful Environmental Solution Offered by


                                                                have been agitprop documentaries like Al Gore’s
                                                                An Inconvenient Truth and a rise in ethical com-
                                                                panies like Lush. Yet some political campaign-
                                                                ers claim that work to help the environment has
                                                                moved too slowly.

                                                                Environmental expert and writer Naomi Klein has
                                                                postulates in her book, The Shock Doctrine, that
                                                                the needs of capitalism will always usurp those
                                                                of  the  environment.  Her  solution  –  shut  down
                                                                the free market and create a system based on
                                                                the conservation of energy.

                                                                Not all campaigners are quite so outspoken, but
                                                                there’s little denying that Klein has a point.
                 lastic is a well-established material that
                 needs  no  introduction.  It  is  a  substance   Battle Lines
          Pwhich is melted, then sequentially mould-
          ed into a new form to create a perfect and prac-      Smog lines the streets of major cities. In Califor-
          tical object that can help around the house or        nia, the Hollywood sign is barely visible thanks
          in the workplace. Yet, the way plastic is being       to the pollution that hangs in the air. In Japan,
          manufactured is changing.                             large numbers of the population wear gasmasks
                                                                to protect their lungs from the noxious gases all
          Now, a large amount of this material is being re-     around them. In the UK, fracking is being pushed
          cycled and reconstituted – and it’s creating a        by the government despite protestations from
          cleaner and less polluted industry.                   numerous organisations.

          Every industry is having to consider its carbon       The battle lines for the environment have been
          footprint, thanks to both governmental and pub-       drawn, with the world’s governments and com-
          lic pressure.                                         panies on one side and the general population
                                                                on the other.
          The Global Landscape
                                                                Where Plastics Figure
          Major retail outlets Tesco and B&Q have reduced
          their carbon footprint by a sizeable sum, while       Within the realm of the plastics industry, recy-
          large companies like DuPont have seen balloon-        cling is making some headway in addressing the
          ing  profits  thanks  to  cutbacks  in  their  carbon   problems of the environment.
                                                                According to the CIWM Journal, “significant im-
          Placing the issue at the fore in the past decade      provements have been made by local authori-

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