Page 46 - Plastics News April 2022
P. 46


                   Starlinger Viscotecr PET100 Wins Award                          Pepsi Co Partners With
                                                                                   Israeli Start-Up On Sus-
                                             recyclable  in  food-grade  quality.  This   tainable Pallets
                                             makes it the environmentally sustain-
                                             able alternative to single-use cups, tubs,
                                             and trays made from polyolefins, whose
                                             material properties degrade with each
                                             recycling loop. Besides, polyolefin recy-
                                             clates are not approved for food contact
                                             as secondary raw material in Europe ac-
             tarlinger Viscotec rPET100 has won
          Sthe Re|focus Sustainable Innovation   cording to efsa. Sustainable Packaging
          in Material Award 2022.  The heat-  material choice. The Sustainability In-  BQ Materials has confirmed
          resistant and fully-recyclable rPET100   novation awards recognize outstanding   Uthat beverage giant PepsiCo is
          material first unveiled in 2020 by Star-  innovations in plastics manufacturing   using its bio-based thermoplastic to
          linger viscotec has won the award re-  that further environmental advantages   develop a sustainable pallet, utilising
          cently.  Designed for recycling and made   in  design,  material,  and  end-of-life   unsorted household waste – includ-
          from recycled PET, the rPET100 sheet   management. Said Jeff Cornell, presi-  ing organics. The UBQ™ material is
          material for thermoformed packaging is   dent of American Starlinger-Sahm,   a bio-based thermoplastic converted
          reportedly a game changer for circular   “We are honored by the award and   from 100% unsorted municipal solid
          packaging solutions. This sheet material   recognition of our efforts to put cradle-  waste, including mixed plastics, pa-
          is said to be the first packaging material   to-cradle recycling into action for a cir-  per, cardboard, and organics, and is
          that combines three properties needed   cular economy.” According to Cornell,   suitable to substitute conventional
          to revolutionize packaging for dairy and   the need to incorporate thermoformed   polymers in various durable applica-
          hot-fill products: it is heat-resistant up   packaging  into  the  recycling  stream   tions. The first phase of the PepsiCo
          to 212 °F (100 °C), can be made from   has been a major objective when de-  project includes the manufacturing of
          100% recycled  content, and  is 100%   veloping  the  rPET100  sheet  material.   830 ecological pallets for use in two of
                                                                                  the company’s logistics centers. In ad-
                                                                                  dition to UBQ™, the pallets are made
                                                                                  from  recycled  materials  that include
                      Avient Launches New Resound™ Rec                            recycled PP resin and recycled BOPP
                             Thermoplastic Elastomer                              (a plastic film used in the company’s
                                                                                  snack packaging), which completes
             vient has launched a new re- can be used for manufacturing certain   the circular economy cycle. “This in-
          ASound™ REC thermoplastic elas- food-contact articles. This PCR content   novation is very exciting for PepsiCo
          tomer (TPE) formulation for use in  formulation offers comparable perfor-  because it helps us on our journey
          certain food-contact applications. This  mance to prime TPEs and can provide   through materials that replace virgin
          grade incorporates post-consumer re- a more sustainable option in applica-  plastic while at the same time work-
          cycled (PCR) material that received a  tions such as toothbrush grips and other
          no objection letter (NOL) from the  personal care items, as well as certain   ing on CO2 reduction. In addition,
          U.S. Food and Drug Administration  FDA food-contact items like reusable   this is a differentiated material be-
          (FDA). reSound REC recycled-content  crates. It is naturally gray, colorable, and   cause it represents an alternative to
          grades are a part of Avient’s reSound  suitable for injection molding or over-  the chain as a whole, especially with
          TPE portfolio, which includes both  molding onto PP. “This FDA evaluation   regard to collection, sorting, trans-
          recycled-content and bio-based formu- should boost OEM and consumer con-  portation and final disposal in land-
          lations. This new reSound REC  TPE  fidence in incorporating recycled ma-  fills. Now we will go further, scale this
          is a 65 Shore A hardness and contains  terials into products that face stringent   solution in Brazil, Latin America and
          25 percent PCR content from recycled  regulatory controls,” said Matt Mitch-  why not in other parts of the world,”
          polypropylene (PP). The  FDA no ob- ell, Director, Global Marketing, Spe-  said Raphael Cyjon, Senior Direc-
          jection letter confirms that the recycled  cialty Engineered Materials at Avient.   tor of Operations at PepsiCo LatAm.
          material  included  in  this  formulation

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