Page 49 - Plastics News April 2022
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ing UBQ production system speaks for thermoplastic material from household of technotrans SE, says about the high-
our proven competence in the field of waste with the aid of its patented con- volume order: "With our solutions, we
cooling solutions," says Küls. "The fact version process and supply this mate- strongly support the proliferation of
that we also hold full responsibility in rial to the construction and automotive circular economy concepts and supply
the heat management area underlines industries, for example. In the future, highly efficient and sustainable solu-
our holistic approach to solutions." the recycling company plans to reach tions." The systems provided by the
Technotrans will have completed the in- an annual output of over 70,000 tons company help its customers to consid-
tegration of the cooling system into the of UBQ™. For every ton produced, the erably reduce their carbon footprint.
production concept at the new location company will offset 11.7 tons of CO2 However, the order from UBQ is just
in the Netherlands by the end of 2022. equivalent. the beginning. "As soon as our concept
UBQ Materials will use the system to Supporting circular economy concepts has proved its worth, we would like to
produce extremely climate-friendly Michael Finger, spokesman of the board participate in similar projects of this
Solvay’s Addibond™ Obtains Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label
thermoset composites developed for align their metal surface treatment with
high volume automotive applications, stricter HSE standards and regulations.
rare-earth-based formulations, biostim- The products are free of chromate,
ulants for farming, wastewater adsor- heavy metals, and fluorides, eliminating
bents, amongst others, benefiting vari- the risk of toxic exposure for operators.
ous industries such as water, energy, and
agriculture. For major weight reductions to be
achieved, metal-to-metal adhesive bond-
“Strengthening the metal-to-metal ad- ing targets body-in-white (BIW), chas-
hesive bond of aluminum parts allows sis, interior, powertrain, under-bonnet
Solvay’s Addibond™, which strengthens
bonding between aluminum and adhe- automakers to reduce or eliminate the and other structural components such
array of fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws, as electric vehicle (EV) battery casings
sives in the automotive industry, is the
13th Solvay solution to receive the label rivets) - a contributory factor for the and have already been successfully im-
light weighting of vehicles for better fuel plemented in premium and mass pro-
Solvay’s water-soluble Addibond™ poly- and energy efficiency,” says Dr Marie- duction vehicle assemblies.
mer, used as a thin layer to strengthen Pierre Labeau, metal treatment platform
bonding between aluminum and ad- project leader at Solvay. “This created Addibond™ polymers can be an effective
hesives in automotive applications, has a need for improving the reliability of enabler for leveraging the light-weight-
obtained a Solar Impulse Efficient Solu- metal-to-metal bonds, for which proper ing potential of aluminum and other
light metals in a wider range of indus-
tion Label. surface treatments are critical.”
tries such as construction, industrial
Founded by the Solar Impulse Founda- Solvay’s Addibond™ polymers are de- equipment, electronics, and aerospace
tion, the Solar Impulse Efficient Solu- signed to deliver a surface pre-treatment while also meeting higher standards of
tion Label highlights existing solutions that will maximize the strength of adhe- sustainability in the manufacturing pro-
that are both sustainable and profit- sive bonds by combining two functional cesses.
able. With the addition of Addibond™, groups: one reacting with the metal sub-
Solvay currently has 13 labeled efficient strate, normally before it is shaped, and The innovative benefits of Addibond™
solutions which, in line with its Solvay the other reacting with the adhesive dur- in adhesive bonding have been recog-
One Planet goals, provide sustainable ing assembly. nized multiple times in the industry and
received the Potier Prize in France and
solutions for batteries, exhaust gas treat-
ments, semiconductor applications, Moreover, Addibond™ helps compo- the Chinese Automotive award in 2021
nent manufacturers and assemblers as a clean and profitable solution.
49 PLASTICS NEWS April 2022