Page 47 - Plastics News April 2022
P. 47
Kraiburg TPE Teams Up With Pune Polymers
In Upgrading Mask Protection
compound was selected due to its excel-
lent bonding with thermoplastic polyu-
rethane (TPU), allowing for design flex-
ibility, as requested by Pune Polymers
for the Jivanakk FFP3 mask.
The soft touch texture of the TPE com-
pound adds cushioned comfort to the
mask wearer, and it also does not cause
allergies or irritations on the skin.
In addition, the halogen-free compound
conforms to food regulations such as
EU Directive 10/2011, the Food and
KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manu- Keeping users safe from virus infec- Drug Administration (FDA) Code of
facturer of a diverse range of thermo- tions Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21,
plastic elastomer products and custom FFP3 masks have been recommended and the EN71/3 European safety stand-
solutions for a variety of industries, for healthcare workers’ use who are at ard, as well as the RoHS and REACH
collaborated with Indian OEM manu- high risk of hospital-acquired infec- standards.
facturer Pune Polymers Pvt Ltd to im- tions, since they can provide thorough THERMOLAST® H for the healthcare
prove mask design through the use of its protection against Covid-19, especially sector in Asia-Pacific
THERMOLAST® TPE compound. when performing aerosol generating
Reusable face masks are a critical com- procedures. KRAIBURG TPE recently introduced
its new THERMOLAST® H prod-
ponent of global health protocols, and The Jivanakk FFP3 mask design tech- uct line exclusively for the Asia Pacific
depending on the quality, they can limit nology was developed by India's lead- healthcare and medical devices market.
virus transmissions effectively. ing nuclear research facility, the Bhabha Available in the THERMOLAST® H
Since these barrier devices must be worn Atomic Research Centre. Jivanakk's in- series of compounds is the high-quality
for long durations to prevent and con- novative structure enables the mask to HC/AP series material solution.
tain the spread of disease, they should provide a comfortable yet snug fit on
be comfortable for the wearer. Further- various facial shapes, while eliminating It satisfies the global criteria for food
more, fitments is a necessary aspect in the fogging problem experienced by contact and medical grade materials,
reducing user discomfort. eyeglass wearers. such as cytotoxicity ISO 10993-5 and
GB/T 16886.5.
Due to their flexibility, excellent design The mask’s HEPA filter is able to filter
freedom, and efficient processability, bacteria, viruses, and pollen with a size Furthermore, the HC/AP series’ exhibit
thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) fulfil of 0.3 micron or larger at up to 99.97%. exceptional properties, like adherence to
the reusable mask industry’s criteria for The filter, which can be used for 90 days polymers such as PP, haptics, and com-
mask applications. or more, has a long-life cycle and can be pression set, making it ideal for masks
KRAIBURG TPE, a recognized global easily adjusted by the user. and medical device component applica-
manufacturer in superior TPE com- Furthermore, the mask can also be dis-
pounds supplied its THERMOLAST® assembled and washed with soap and With its easy processability advantage,
TPE compound to Pune Polymers Pvt water after extended use or when it be- the HC/AP series is also targeted at
Ltd, an Indian-based OEM manufac- comes contaminated. closures, flexible connections, medical
turer, to produce the Jivanakk FFP3 Material advantages of THERMO- tubing, syringe gaskets, catheter con-
(Filtering Face Piece 3) mask. LAST® compound nectors, mouthpieces, and other medi-
cal device applications.
47 PLASTICS NEWS April 2022