Page 36 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Haitian launches Generation 5 Machines to target efficiency in UK

                                                                                 20%  and  40%  on  our  previously
                                                                                 already  impressive  figures.    This  is
                                                                                 showing  circa  80%  energy  savings
                                                                                 vs. fixed or variable pump machines,
                                                                                 which still make up the bulk of the UK

                                                                                 So, how has Haitian achieved this?

                                                                                 Features  which  were  previously
                                                                                 available   as   additional   options
                                                                                 are  now  included  as  standard
                                                                                 specifications,  including  new  energy-
                                                                                 saving technology, both hardware and

             he  new  Generation  5  range  of  because  technological  improvements   software.    It’s  fair  to  say  that  these
          THaitian  moulding  machines  will  are  happening  so  quickly.    We  have   options would have cost thousands of
          be  hitting  UK  shores  in  the  coming  over  700  people  working  in  R&D,   Euros previously, but our economies
          weeks.  Veronica  Edmunds,  head  of  in  a  constant  quest  to  innovate  and   of  scale  make  it  more  cost-effective
          the  UK  sales  team,  shares  what  we  improve.  There  has  been  a  massive   to upgrade the whole range. So, for
          can  expect  from  one  of  the  world’s  increase  in  investment  by  Haitian   example, Haitian Generation 5 Servo
          largest  manufacturer  of  moulding  to  improve  their  manufacturing   hydraulic  machines  will  now  offer
          machines.                          excellence    and    infrastructure,   Electric Screw Motors as standard, at
                                             including  a  new  site  in  Serbia  to   no extra cost. Thus, enabling a more
          Premier Moulding Machinery has been   manufacture  up  to  3000  machines  a   precise  and  reliable  process  with
          the Haitian distributor in the UK for   year for the European market.  reduced energy consumption, not to
          almost 20 years, so obviously we have                                  mention  that  they  are  a  lot  quieter
          seen huge changes in technology over  What  are  the  main  differences  that  too.
          that time.  I guess it shouldn’t come  moulding companies will see?
          as a surprise to any of us that this fifth                             The HT X-tend software is available
          generation  from  the  market-leading   Well,  as  you  know,  we  have  been  on  all  Generation  5  and  is  included
          manufacturer is so impactful.  Haitian   very vocal about the need for the UK  as a standard option in the purchase
          have always positioned themselves as   Plastics  Sector  to  invest  in  modern  price.    Charging  customers  extra
          a  high-quality  brand,  for  whom  the   technology  so  that  it  can  improve  for  features  that  are  included  on
          customer’s experience is paramount.    competitiveness and produce a rapid  their  machines  is  a  policy  that  has
          Unlike  some  suppliers,  we  are  not   return on investment.  According to  backfired  on  those  suppliers  who
          in  a  race  to  deliver  the  cheapest   the PMMDA, the UK has the oldest  have tried it.  Customers remember
          functioning  machine  or,  conversely,   fleet of machinery in Europe, outside  when car companies tried to charge
          to use customers as revenue streams   of  Romania,  and  at  the  current  rate  to use heated seats that were already
          post-purchase.                     will  take  more  than  20  years  to  fitted in their vehicles, and the same
                                             upgrade.  In the meantime, European  reaction is commonplace in our sector
          The “Generation 5” range continues  moulding companies are racing ahead,  when  manufacturers  will  “switch  on
          Haitian’s  philosophy  of  sharing  the  with  governments  offering  financial  features for a price”.  Our system is
          advantages  that  their  economies  of  assistance  to  their  manufacturers  to  free of charge and can be turned on
          scale  produce,  with  our  customers.   help  reduce  their  carbon  footprint  and off, by our customers, whenever
          This  time  the  step  change  is  higher  and improve efficiencies.  Generation  they  require  it.  This  software  has
          than  previously  seen,  and  that  is  5  offers  energy  savings  of  between  been  tested  on  over  1000  machines

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