Page 39 - Plastics News April 2024
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          coating  processes,  reducing  energy  higher voltages for faster charge.  “With  manufacture  capacities  now
          consumption  and  printability.  This                                  also present in China for China, our
          adds significant value to produce high-  In contrast to the conventional 12 volts   customers  who  produce  sustainable
          speed,  high-performance  biaxially   required to charge an ICE battery, the   and  innovative  fire  protection  in
          oriented  polypropylene  (BOPP)  and   usage of 1000 volts in contemporary   E-mobility, electronics, transportation
          cast polypropylene (CPP) films.    chargers introduces a different set of   and  5G  communications  can  trust
                                             risks to mitigate. This shift demands   Clariant's  high-quality  products  and
          At  CHINAPLAS  2024,  Clariant  materials with higher flame retardancy   services, especially in times of supply
          will  showcase  AddWorks  PPA,  and  greater  resistance  to  electrical   chain disruptions.”
          its  upcoming  PFAS-free  product  tracking.  Exolit  OP  1400  can  meet
          line  for  Polymer  Processing  Aids  these requirements.              By   combining    innovation   and
          compositions, designed for polyolefin                                  sustainability   criteria,   Clariant’s
          extrusion application.             In  addition,  the  Exolit  OP  Terra   solutions  are  helping  customers
                                             version, based on renewable carbon,   create  products  that  are  safe  and
          Exolit® OP 1400 – sustainability and  will help the industry in the transition   more  sustainable  by  design,  offer
          performance for e-mobility         towards higher circularity.         leading  performance  and  help  drive

          Clariant’s  Exolit  OP  1400  is  a  high-  “The completion of the new facility in   the industry closer towards circularity
          performance  performance  halogen-  Daya Bay, China enables us to meet   for a safer world.
          free  flame  retardant  addressing  a  the  increasing  global  demand  for
          key trend in e-mobility – charging at  halogen-free  solutions,”  says  Miao.

          Sabic’s New Lnp™ Elcres™ Slx Resin Elevates Aesthetics, Durability of
          Paint-Free Exteriors

            ABIC  has  introduced  LNP™  Reducing  VOCs  in  Automotive  VOC            emissions   in   automotive
          SELCRES™ SLX1271SR resin, a new  Manufacturing                         exterior components, while delivering
          addition to its weatherable LNP SLX   Studies have shown that, considering   excellent  aesthetics  comparable  to
          copolymer  portfolio.  This  specialty   a  typical  vehicle’s  life  cycle,  the  vast   those  of  incumbent  solutions  such
          material features enhanced scratch and   majority (95 percent) of volatile organic   as  painted  polycarbonate  (PC)  and
          mar resistance and a high-gloss surface   compounds  (VOCs)  are  emitted   painted   PC/acrylonitrile-butadiene-
          finish  to  provide  the  automotive   during the painting process. Although   styrene (PC/ABS) resins. For instance,
          industry with a new molded-in color   the automotive industry is turning to   in  terms  of  scratch  resistance  and
          solution  for  exterior  components.   solutions  with  lower  environmental   gloss  retention,  this  new  product
          LNP  ELCRES  SLX1271SR  resin  also   impact,  such  as  waterborne  paints,   showed  similar  performance  to
          delivers  exceptional  weatherability,   many  of  these  products  still  emit   painted  polymer  substrates  in  the
          continuous  UV  stability  and  good   some  VOCs.  Therefore,  many   wet  scrub  (car  wash)  test.  Further,
          mechanical performance. By adopting   manufacturers rely on thermoplastics   the  SABIC  material  can  maintain  its
          this  new  solution,  customers  can   with  molded-in  color  to  avoid  VOC   desirable aesthetics better than other
          leverage  the  environmental  and   emissions  and  costly  secondary   paint-free thermoplastics – for up to
          potential  system  cost  advantages  of   operations. However, some of these   10 years or more. One reason is that
          paint  elimination  while  maintaining   materials  have  difficulty  maintaining   the resin forms a self-protecting layer
          the attractive appearance of exterior   their original aesthetics, such as color   that absorbs UV light on a continuous
          parts over time.                   depth  and  gloss,  when  exposed  to   basis to help retain color and gloss.

          Innovations  such  as  intrinsic  UV  abrasion, impact, harsh weather and
          absorption  layer  help  this  new  resin  UV light.
          maintain  its  gloss  and  mechanical   Paint-free  LNP  ELCRES  SLX1271SR
          performance  over  the  life  of  the   resin offers a new solution for reducing

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