Page 37 - Plastics News April 2024
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          pre-launch  and  the  improvements  available to support customers in their  who sells the first machine to a new
          achieved  when  processing  recycled  machinery  selection  processes.    We  customer, it is the engineers who sell
          material are of particular benefit.  have already run multiple tool trials,  the rest.  Time and time again, we hear
                                             energy  comparisons  and  training  how important it is to be supported
          The  intelligent  control  system  will   sessions.  This investment in our UK  by  a  team  who  have the customers'
          optimise the entire moulding process   infrastructure extends to the provision  best interests at the forefront of what
          to  ensure  repeatability,  efficiency   of  a  full-quality  office  to  enable  our  we do.  Haitian UK have a policy of
          and lowest energy consumption, this   customers'  teams  to  fully  investigate  not using our engineering support as
          reduces wear and tear on the machine   their  own  tools'  performance  in  our  a  revenue  stream  which  enables  a
          and tooling.  It’s as though your most   machines. Our engineering team work  strong working relationship with our
          considerate  technician  has  set  each   alongside  our  customers  to  ensure  customer base.
          machine.                           that the best possible outcomes can

          To  support  the  launch  of  the  new   be achieved.  We have also been able   The aim for us, in a commercial sense,
                                                                                 is to provide the best machine price-
          Generation  5  machines,  Haitian  UK   to assist customers with some small   performance  ratio,  coupled  with
          has recently opened a new Technical   production runs when needed.     such a high level of customer service
          Centre in Buckinghamshire.  Onsite,   We aim to provide the highest level of  that  our  customers  do  not  consider
          we have a selection of machines from   customer support alongside the best  using  another  supplier.  It’s  proved
          our Haitian and Zhafir ranges plus our   machinery available at a price which  to be a successful formula so far and
          Hilectro automation, ranging from 90   is  affordable  for  all.    In  particular,  I  we  are  sure  that  the  introduction
          to  550  tonnes.    All  are  available  for   would also like to give credit to our  of  Generation  5  will  X-Tend  this
          sale and quick delivery if required.  own  engineering  team  whom  our  advantage.

          Whilst  the  centre  is  certainly  an   customers  continually  praise  for  the
          impressive  facility  from  which  to   excellent levels of service they provide.
          showcase  our  technology,  it  is  also   Whilst  it  may  be  the  sales  team

          Chase Plastics highlights true cost of PPT for manufacturers

                                                                                 Cost  Comparison  Guide.  Chase
                                                                                 Plastics  has  a  genuine  concern  that
                                                                                 UK  based  manufacturers  are  risking
                                                                                 their  competitiveness  through  not
                                                                                 embracing the opportunity presented
                                                                                 by  rPE.    The  company  highlights
                                                                                 that  in  addition  to  the  relative  price
                                                                                 disadvantage  created  by  paying  the
                                                                                 tax, 100% virgin polymer products do
                                                                                 not appeal to many end users seeking
                                                                                 to  embrace  the  circular  economy
                                                                                 through the use of more sustainable

               ith Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT)  their  concern  that  the  PPT  is  “Understanding  how  the  costs  of  a
          Wreceipts  having  significantly  impacting the competitiveness of UK  virgin  polymer  formulation  compare
          surpassed HMRC’s year one estimate,  polythene  packaging  manufacturers  to  one  with  30%  recycled  content
          it  seems  many  manufacturers  have  -  especially  with  the  rate  increasing  is  key  to  protecting  margins  and
          yet  to  embrace  the  use  of  recycled  to  £217.85/tonne  on  1st  April  -  competitiveness,  especially  with  the
          content to mitigate the tax. Reflecting  Chase Plastics has published a useful  PPT  rising  again  on  1st  April,”  said

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                                                                                                PLASTICS NEWSASTICS NEWS
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