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          David  Harris,  chairman  of  Chase  the  use  of  recycled  content  but  as  We  hope  this  straightforward  guide
          Plastics.                          the year 1 tax receipts demonstrate,  will encourage greater use of recycled
                                             the  financial  incentive  has  not  yet  content which, in turn, contributes to
          “Our   Cost   Comparison    Guide   been  realised  by  all  manufacturers.  the Circular Economy.”
          includes  a  costing  ready  reckoner   As we approach year 3 of the tax, it
          which highlights the breakeven price   is essential that UK based polythene   Copies  of  the  Cost  Comparison
          points  for  the  recycled  content   packaging   manufacturers   fully   guide are available upon request from
          required  in  order  to  avoid  the  PPT   appreciate the cost of the PPT.    Chase Plastics. With over 60 years of
          and appreciably reduce overall blend                                   recycling  experience,  Chase  Plastics
          costs.“                            "To  support  this,  we  are  publishing  manufactures   the   RECOTHENE
                                             a cost comparison guide to highlight  range of recycled polythene pellets at
          He continued: “The PPT was designed   the savings possible through the use  their EUCertPlast accredited factory
          to provide an economic incentive for   of  our  RECOTHENE  rPE  product.   in Suffolk.

          Clariant at CHINAPLAS 2024: next-gen solutions for performance and


            HANGHAI,  April  10,  2024  -  As  enhancing efficiency              plastics industry to address technical
          Sthe  countdown  to  CHINAPLAS                                         challenges  including  light,  thermal
          2024  gets  underway,  Clariant  has   Clariant’s  Licocare  RBW  Vita  waxes   and  process  stabilization,  as  well  as
          announced that it will display its latest   are  based  on  renewable  bio-based   flame  retardancy.  The  AddWorks
          portfolio  of  additives,  delivering  on   rice  bran  wax  feedstocks  from  non-  range  focuses  on  both  chemistries
          both efficiency and sustainability.  food  materials,  offering  at  least  a   with  specific  performances  and  safe
                                             98%  Renewable  Carbon  Index       physical  forms  for  enabling  material
          More than 150-thousand professionals  certification.  These  attributes  make   handling and processing.
          are expected to attend CHINAPLAS,  them  well-positioned  to  drive  the
          recognized  as  one  of  the  world’s  chemical  industry’s  transition  from  For  high-end  plastics  composites
          leading  and  most  influential  trade  fossil-  to  renewable-based  carbon  the  AddWorks  series  has  been
          fairs,  representing  a  broad  variety  materials.                    successfully   serving   customers
          of  industries  from  plastics,  to                                    in  China  and  globally  for  various
          automotive,  packaging,  consumer   With  superior  performance  and   polymers, segments, and applications.
          products or construction.          sustainability,  they  are  a  natural
                                             replacement to traditional coal-based  AddWorks TFB 117 helps to improve
          “Plastics  transformation  towards  a  montan waxes. Licocare RBW waxes  the quality of nylon fibers, stabilizing
          circular economy through innovation is  are highly compatible with a variety of  and  smoothing  fiber  production
          a key theme at CHINAPLAS 2024. We  polymers, especially Nylon, Polyester,  process.  It  protects  color,  improves
          are thrilled to help lead this transition  PVC,   and   various   engineering  heat  stability  and  the  mechanical
          with  next-generation  cutting-edge  polymers.  They  provide  the  same  properties  of  nylon  fibers,  ensuring
          solutions  presented  at  CHINAPLAS  attributes  of  lubrication,  dispersion,  smooth spinnability with less filament
          2024,”  said  Miao  Zhigang,  Head  of  release,  and  nucleation  as  their  breakage, even at lower temperatures
          Clariant’s Polymer Solutions business.  montan wax counterparts, aiding our  or high speeds.
          “We’re  looking  forward  to  growing  clients  in  meeting  their  sustainability
          existing partnerships, developing new  and efficiency goals.           AddWorks  PKG  113  is  proven  to
          collaborations and driving the industry                                provide  exceptional  polymer  melt
          towards  more  responsible  use  of   Discover  the  AddWorks  portfolio  protection,  high  film  productivity
          resources.”                        with new stabilizers                and  quality  by  enhancing  color,
                                                                                 transparency  and  reducing  fisheyes.
          Clariant   innovation   accelerates   Clariant is continuously developing its   It  also  provides  superior  dyne
          the  transition  to  circularity  while   portfolio of additive solutions for the   retention,  facilitating  further  metal

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