Page 40 - Plastics News April 2024
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          The future of plastic materials for 3D printing

             D printing has revolutionized the  for 3D printing technology, both from  A  step  forward  in  innovation:
          3way  we  conceive  and  produce  filament and granule.                LATI3Dlab  and  the  future  of  3D
          objects. With the launch of the new   LATI3Dlab’s  team  of  multidiscipli-  printing
          LATI3Dlab website, the future of 3D   nary experts, consisting of engineers,  The launch of the LATI3Dlab website
          printing opens to a new era of innova-  chemists,  technicians  and  research-  represents an important step forward
          tion and possibilities. Indeed, LATI3D-  ers, works tirelessly to offer cutting-  in LATI’s ongoing commitment to in-
          lab, the R&D division of LATI Industria  edge  solutions.  LATI3Dlab’s  “AM”  novation and excellence in 3D print-
          Termoplastici, has just made its range  materials  are  distinguished  by  their  ing. Enthusiasts, experts and industry
          of AM technical materials for Additive  optimized  mechanical  strength,  sim-  professionals  are  invited  to  explore
          Manufacturing  accessible  through  its  plified processability, dimensional sta-  the  online  catalog  and  discover  the
          online catalog.                    bility, and excellent adhesion between  possibilities  offered  by  LATI3Dlab’s
          Advanced materials for 3D print-   layers and to the printing surface.  advanced 3D printing materials. LATI,
          ing: innovation just a click away  A universe of possibilities: charac-  through its R&D division LATI3Dlab,
                                                                                 thus confirms itself as a leader in the
          LATI3Dlab’s new website is a show-  teristics of LATI3Dlab materials   technical  plastics  industry,  offering
          case  of  innovative,  high-quality  solu-  LATI3Dlab’s  3D  printing  materials   cutting-edge solutions for 3D printing.
          tions.  The  materials  are  designed  to  boast a wide range of functional prop-  With the launch of the new website,
          meet the growing needs of 3D print-  erties  and  characteristics:  from  self-  the future of 3D printing is just a click
          ing  in  both  industrial  and  maker  en-  lubrication to self-extinguishing, from   away. Discover the endless possibili-
          vironments.  The  LATI3Dlab  division  X-ray detectability to conductivity and   ties offered by LATI3Dlab’s AM mate-
          was established in 2019 as an integral  thermal conductivity. These materials   rials and get ready to bring your most
          part  of  LATI’s  R&D  area.  The  goal  offer a universe of possibilities for ap-  innovative ideas to life.
          has  always  been  clear:  to  study  and  plications in industries such as electri-
          develop advanced materials intended  cal, industrial, and medical and food.

          The Art of Plastic Injections in Manufacturing

          I ntroduction:                     manufacturing technique that involves  The  choice  of  material  depends  on
                                             injecting  molten  plastic  into  a  mold  the desired characteristics of the final
            In  the  ever-evolving  landscape  of
          manufacturing, the art of plastic injec-  cavity. This method has become the  product, such as durability, flexibility,
          tions has emerged as a cornerstone of   preferred choice for producing large  or transparency.
          efficiency,  precision,  and  innovation.   quantities of complex and high-quality   Once  selected,  the  plastic  material
          This intricate process has revolution-  plastic parts with consistent precision.   is fed into the injection molding ma-
          ized  the  production  of  a  myriad  of   The process typically involves several   chine's hopper, where it undergoes a
          consumer goods, from intricate medi-  key steps: material preparation, injec-  heating process to melt it into a vis-
          cal  devices  to  everyday  household   tion molding machine operation, and   cous liquid state. This molten plastic
          items. In this article, we will delve into   the post-production phase.  is then injected into the mold cavity
          the fascinating world of plastic injec-  Material Preparation:         with precise control, a step crucial for
          tions,  exploring  the  technology  be-  The  journey  begins  with  the  careful   achieving the desired form and struc-
          hind it, its applications across various   selection of the raw material, usually   ture of the final product.
          industries,  and  its  role  in  advancing   in the form of small pellets or gran-  Injection Molding Machine Operation:
          sustainable manufacturing practices.  ules. These materials can range from   The injection molding machine plays
          I. Understanding Plastic Injection  common  polymers  like  polyethylene   a  pivotal  role  in  the  success  of  the
          Molding:                           and  polypropylene  to  more  special-  plastic  injection  process.  These  ma-
          At the heart of plastic injections lies the   ized  ones  such  as  polycarbonate  or   chines come in various sizes and con-
          process of plastic injection molding, a   acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).   figurations, but they all share common

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