Page 45 - Plastics News April 2024
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          sustainable blueprint for recycling sin-  The research opens up the opportu-  the huge volume of plastic waste that
          gle-use  bioplastics,  according  to  the  nity  for  a  sustainable,  circular  econ-  ends up in landfill and natural environ-
          researchers.                       omy that stamps out the production  ments, they added.
                                             of  fossil-based  plastics  and  tackles

          Polyplastics to highlight latest material initiatives at NPE 2024

             t the NPE 2024 expo, which will  has a glass transition temperature of  backed  by  higher  manufacturing  ca-
          Atake place from May 6–10 at the  155°C and a melting point of 370°C.  pacity to keep up with demand. Poly-
          Orange  County  Convention  Center  It  comes  in  three  different  grades:  plastics will highlight PLASTRON LFT,
          in  Orlando,  Florida,  Polyplastics  will  unreinforced,  30%  glass-filled,  and  a polypropylene (PP) resin reinforced
          present  its  state-of-the-art  material  30%  carbon  fiber-filled.  Polyplas-  with  long  cellulose  fiber,  as  part  of
          innovations. The introduction of SAR-  tics will also feature DURAFIDE PPS  its  dedication  to  sustainability.  Be-
          PEK, a novel polyetherketone (PEK)  6150T73, which is well known for its  cause  of  its  environmentally  friendly
          intended for uses needing remarkable  exceptional  heat  resistance  as  well  composition of regenerated cellulose
          heat resistance and metal replacement  as  its  thermal  and  electric  insulating  fibers, PLASTRON LFT offers a bal-
          capabilities without post-curing, is one  qualities, in addition to SARPEK PEK.  ance  between  mechanical  strength
          of  their  highlights.  C        ompared  to  This substance is designed to improve  and  reduced  environmental  impact.
          polyetheretherketone  (PEEK),  SAR-  electrical and thermal insulation with-  Polyplastics seeks to address sustain-
          PEK  PEK  offers  a  notable  improve-  out  the  requirement  for  bulky  inor-  ability issues by utilizing natural mate-
          ment  due  to  its  quick  crystallization  ganic insulating structures—even un-  rials while upholding the performance
          rate and excellent molding efficiency.  der the most adverse circumstances.  requirements for a range of applica-
          It is particularly stronger, more resil-  Furthermore, after being acquired by  tions.
          ient to heat, and more durable than  Daicel in 2020, Polyplastics will make   Source:-https://www.medicalplastic-
          PEEK, which makes it a great option  its LAPEROS LCP materials available
          for abrasive conditions where metals  worldwide.  Wider  market  coverage   tics-news/polyplastics-to-highlight-
          are  difficult  to  work  with  and  other  in  the  Americas  and  EMEA  is  made   latest-material-initiatives-at-npe/
          plastics are ineffective. SARPEK PEK  possible  by  this  expansion,  which  is

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