Page 47 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 47


         Plastic recycling is broken. Capitalism can fix it
                                             plastic  is  lower  than  virgin  plastic,  however: They rely on the market to
                                             buyers switch to recycled plastic. And  stimulate the development of a plastic
                                             if the price of virgin plastic is lower,  recycling  industry.  Neither  approach
                                             buyers  switch  to  virgin  plastic.  Re-  helps to directly finance the significant
                                             grettably, many companies are more  capital requirements of the recycling
                                             concerned about the price of plastic  industry. Where will the money come
                                             feedstock than the environmental im-  from to pay for the costly infrastruc-
                                             pact of more plastic.               ture required for plastic recycling?
                                             What makes this switching unpredict-  The question is how to get capital in-
                                             able is the fact that the price of virgin  vestment directly to the recycling in-
               hen it comes to plastic waste,  plastic is directly related to the price  dustry so it can invest confidently in
          Wthe numbers are alarming. And  of oil from which it is sourced. If the  the equipment, personnel and training
          they’re getting worse.             price of oil drops, so does the price  necessary to create a dramatically ex-
          According to the OECD, 91% of all   of  virgin plastic. If  the price drop  of  panded global plastic recycling indus-
          plastic used goes unrecycled into na-  oil is material, then the market for re-  try.
          ture,  oceans,  landfill  or  incineration   cycling plastic feedstock collapses. As   Discussions around the Plastic Treaty
          every year that’s 320 million tons. By   such, plastic recycling the world over   discussions have so far surfaced very
          2060,  there  will  be  an  additional  30   is essentially held hostage to the price   few ideas on this front. Other than a
          billion  tons.  Only  5  billion  tons  are   of virgin plastic.       global sinking fund from UN member
          predicted to be recycled. The world  For  example,  a  substantial  portion  states, which few taxpayers are likely
          needs  a  plan  to  fix  its  plastic  prob-  of Europe’s plastic recycling capacity  to be happy about, the draft treaty is
          lem.  The  United  Nations  has  com-  has disappeared in the past two years  eerily silent.
          mitted to delivering a legally binding  due  to  unsustainable  trading  condi-  Plastic  Collective,  the  World  Bank
          Plastic Treaty by the end of 2024. This  tions brought on by the drop in the   and Citibank have spent many years
          month, more than 175 governments  price  of  oil.  Now  imagine  you’re  an   developing a scalable financing mech-
          will convene in Ottawa for the fourth  investor  or  an  entrepreneur  looking   anism to directly address the capitali-
          and penultimate round of negotiations  to invest $10 million in an expensive   zation of plastic recycling in countries
          of the Plastic Treaty.             plastic recycling facility. Would you do   where plastic waste is at its worst and
          The  most  important  thing  for  the   so  knowing  that  some  global  event   finance options are few. The result is
          Plastic Treaty to get right is the devel-  completely unrelated to your business   the Plastic Waste Reduction Bond, the
          opment  of  sufficient  global  recycling   could result in a drop in the price of   first of which was offered in January.
          capacity to ensure that all plastic used   oil, making virgin plastic cheaper than   It is a $100 million principal protected
          will be recycled and a circular econo-  recycled plastic you would produce?  bond, with $14 million deployed for
          my will be realized. That’s a colossal  The answer is clear and explains why   two plastic recycling projects in Gha-
          industrial undertaking.            the world has just 9% of the recycling   na  and  Indonesia.  The  two  projects
          The  business  of  plastic  recycling  is   capacity it needs.         will  use  the  funds  to  invest  in  new
          economically  fragile  at  best  and  in  Various solutions are being put forth.  technologies, equipment, facilities and
          many ways it is also broken.       Some countries demand that compa-   staff  to  increase  their  collection  and
          At  the  heart  of  the  challenge  is  the   nies pay a tax for the amount of virgin  recycling capacity by 500% over the
          task of selling the “feedstock” that is   plastic they use. Other countries re-  next three years and process an ad-
          produced  by  plastic  recyclers.  Right   quire the use of a certain amount of  ditional 250,000 tons of plastic waste
          now, buyers of plastic feedstock can   recycling plastic in packaging.  over the next 10 years.
          choose between virgin plastic or re-  There is one (big) problem with both  What makes this transformative is that
          cycled  plastic  when  they  make  their  the “virgin plastic tax” and the “mini-  the projects which receive the money
          packaging.  If  the  price  of  recycled  mum  recycled  content”  solutions,  pay it back using plastic credits, with

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