Page 44 - Plastics News April 2024
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          ing able to maintain a constant tem-  on which part of the world you are  sites  to  achieve  quality  components.
          perature  may  lie  in  the  mould  tool,  in. These minerals are attracted to the  Therefore,  you  can  conclude  from
          being caused by a coolant leak within  channel walls or the internal pipes of  this  that  temperature  control  in  the
          the mould tool. This can be caused by  a TCU causing scale deposits to form.  process  is  a  critical  component,  and
          fractures in tool steel or failure of a  These scale deposits have two effects,  should  not  be  underestimated  as  to
          seal in the coolant channels. A solu-  they can reduce flow and heat trans-  the impact poor temperature control
          tion often used, instead of addressing  fer over time.                 can  have  during  the  manufacture  of
          the root cause, is to run the cooling   Testing the coolant quality at prede-  components.
          on  negative  pressure  where  a  TCU   fined  intervals  is  part  of  preventive  It is therefore crucial to identify and
          equipped  with  a  negative  pressure   maintenance as is testing coolant flow  control  the  temperatures  at  every
          option pulls rather than pushes water   rates  over  time  to  determine  if  any  step  through  the  injection  moulding
          through the mould tool channels.   reduction  of  flow  is  occurring.  Also  process. There are a number of com-
          Coolant quality                    flushing tools with chemical descaling  panies that offer solutions to this, En-

          The  lowest  cost  solution  to  use  for   agents will help reduce scale build up.  gel with their digital product iQflow,
          heat transfer is water, this though has  Conclusion                    Burger  and  Brown  Smartflow  solu-
          its problems as ‘clean’ water is loaded   Process  monitoring  and  stable  pro-  tions, and RJG Inc Edart and CoPilot
          with minerals which vary dependent   cess  control  are  essential  prerequi-  process  control  systems  to  name  a

         Enzyme in laundry detergent can help recycle single-use plastics in
         24 hrs: Study

            cientists  have  developed  a  novel  down  into  their  chemical  building  worldwide is on track to almost triple
          Smethod that uses enzymes found  blocks.                               by 2060, with around half ending up
          in laundry detergents for recycling sin-  Once  converted  into  monomers-  in landfill and less than a fifth recycled.
          gle-use bioplastics in disposable items   single molecules-the materials can be  While  bioplastics-derived  from  bio-
          such as coffee cups and food contain-  turned into equally high-quality plastic  logical  sources  such  as  corn  starch,
          ers.  The  method,  described  in  the   for  multiple  reuse,  according  to  the  cassava  or  sugarcane-are  seen  as  a
          journal Cell Reports Physical Science,   researchers.                  more sustainable choice by consum-
          uses the enzymes to "depolymerise"-                                    ers,  current  methods  of  bioplastics
          or break down-landfill-bound bioplas-  Current  rates  of  plastic  production   production  are  costly  and  compete
          tics into soluble fragments within just   outstrip our ability to dispose of it sus-  with food-based agriculture for use of
          24 hours.                          tainably, they said.                land, the researchers said.
          The  process  achieves  full  degrada-  According to non-profit Environmen-  Mechanical recycling methods are in-
          tion  of  the  bioplastic  polylactic  acid   tal Action, it is estimated that in 2023   efficient, generate CO2 and are inca-
          (PLA) in an approach that is 84 times   alone more than 68 million tonnes of   pable of producing high-quality reus-
          faster  than  the  12-week-long  indus-  plastic  globally  ended  up  in  natural   able materials, they said.
          trial  composting  process  used  for   environments  due  to  the  imbalance
          recycling bioplastic materials, the re-  between the huge volumes of plastics  These  "green"  plastics  primarily  end
          searchers said.                    produced and our current capacity to  up in landfill after just one use, caus-
                                             manage and recycle plastic at the end  ing many retailers to revert to using
          The  research  offers  a  widespread   of its life.                    oil and fossil-based materials.
          recycling  solution  for  single-use  PLA
          plastics, as the scientists at King's Col-  A  recent  Organisation  for  Econom-  The  speed  at  which  the  bioplastics
          lege London, UK, found that in a fur-  ic  Co-operation  and  Development  break  down  using  this  new  method
          ther 24 hours at a temperature of 90   (OECD)  report  predicted  that  the  could  revolutionise  plastic  produc-
          degrees Celsius, the bioplastics break   amount  of  plastic  waste  produced  tion, offering an efficient, scalable and

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