Page 42 - Plastics News April 2024
P. 42


          energy consumption, and incorporate  and cooling processes, along with the  landscape, enabling the production of
          recycled  materials  into  the  produc-  implementation  of  advanced  control  intricate and high-quality plastic parts
          tion process.                      systems, helps reduce overall energy  across various industries. From auto-
          Recycled Materials:                consumption during production.      motive  components  to  medical  de-

          The  integration  of  recycled  plastics   Waste Reduction:            vices, plastic injections have become
                                                                                 synonymous  with  efficiency,  preci-
          into the injection molding process is  The precise nature of plastic injection   sion, and innovation. As the industry
          a significant step toward sustainability.  molding  minimizes  material  waste   continues  to  evolve,  advancements
          By  reusing  post-consumer  or  post-  during  the  manufacturing  process.   in  technology  and  a  growing  com-
          industrial plastics, manufacturers can  Additionally,  advancements  in  mold   mitment to sustainability are shaping
          reduce their reliance on virgin materi-  design and cooling technologies con-  the future of plastic injection molding,
          als, mitigating the environmental im-  tribute to further reducing scrap ma-  ensuring it remains a vital and respon-
          pact of plastic production.        terial, making the process more sus-  sible player in the world of manufac-

          Energy Efficiency:                 tainable.                           turing.
          Modern  injection  molding  machines   Conclusion:
          are  designed  with  energy  efficiency  The  art  of  plastic  injection  molding
          in mind. The optimization of heating  has  transformed  the  manufacturing

         Why is temperature control so important in injection moulding?

             ichard Brown, chair of Judges De-  at  a  predefined  temperature.  The  forward  but  temperature  control  in
         Rsign Innovation in Plastics Awards,  coolant is pumped into the tool via a  practice is far more complicated, and
         addresses the overlooked importance  temperature control unit (TCU). The  there are many cooling-related chal-
         of cooling systems and mould tool de-  coolant that leaves the tool is key to  lenges that are faced daily within the
         sign in injection moulding.         managing the heat transfer from the  industry.
         There are three key areas where tem-  mould tool and is key to achieving a   The  cooling  cycle  generally  is  60  to
         perature control is crucial to the in-  steady temperature on the cavity sur-  80% of the process and coolant flow
         jection moulding process, these being   faces of the mould tool.        is  critical  to  remove  heat  from  the
         the  three  ‘M’s’  of  Material,  Machine  When the material is injected into the  mould  tool,  so  it  is  very  important
         and Mould. In many mould shops re-  mould tool, the initial purpose of the  that  coolant  temperature  should  be
         duction in the effectiveness of cooling  cooling system is to maintain an even  controlled and monitored.
         over time is overlooked all too often,  temperature on the mould  tool sur-  Temperature  impacts  every  step  of
         and  only  comes  to  realisation  when  face to ensure the tool does not over-  the  injection  moulding  process  and
         components  get  returned  from  the  heat  as  the  injected  material  takes   temperature  control  is  fundamental
         customer  for  distortion  or  poor  fit  shape in the tool cavities. The excess   to ensure that the moulding process is
         and function issues.                heat  is  removed  to  cool  the  mould   effectively maintained at the required
         The  process  of  injection  moulding   tool which enables the injected mate-  temperature.
         relies on the activity of heat transfer.   rial  to  harden  and  form  the  finished   As  soon  as  the  material  is  fed  into
         The  raw  material  (usually  dried  by   component.                    the machine's barrel it is heated and
         heat) is fed into the injection mould-  The  coolant  exiting  the  mould  tool   mixed, so it is essential that the tem-
         ing screw which mixes and heats the  is directed to a chilling system to re-  perature profiles of the barrel zones
         material to soften it prior to feeding it  move the heat from it, the coolant is   are set correctly to ensure it is melted
         into the mould tool.                then  recirculated  back  to  the  TCU   and  mixed  without  causing  material

         Mould tools are designed with inter-  and through the mould tool again.   degradation. The temperature zones
         nal  cooling  channels  through  which  The cooling principle explained in this  of the barrel increase along the barrel
         are  fed  a  flow  of  circulating  coolant  manner  seems  fairly  straightforward  with the hottest zone being towards

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