Page 51 - Plastics News April 2024
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          rameters surrounding the end use of  costs on high-volume parts.  Although  and how it will contribute to your
          the plastic component and the envi-  our  approach  to  injection  moulding  quality assurance processes?
          ronment in which it will be used.  The  remains consistent this advancement   Pentagon  operates  under  ISO9001  :
          versatility  of  thermoplastic  materials  in recycled material options does en-  2015 standards spanning both mould
          is advancing all the time which offers  hance  the  polymer  industries  offer-  tool manufacture and plastic injection
          customers and their design engineers  ings.                            moulding and quality is vital through-
          a wealth of options.               In  terms  of  Pentagon's  process  out  our  manufacturing  processes.
          We are also using materials with car-  Beyond the Mould, could you walk  The recent investment in to the Del-
          bon  or  steel  fillers  that  make  them  us  through  the  process  of  post-  tron CNC Coordinate Measuring Ma-
          semi-conductive. This can be useful in  moulding  and  how  you  ensure  chine advances our quality process to
          environments where static electricity  quality throughout?             the next level for mould tool manu-
          can be an issue, providing Antistatic &   Processes beyond the mould are sec-  facture. The compact machine brings
          ESD  protection,  preventing  electro-  ondary  operations  to  the  injection   high level measurement accuracy and
          static  discharges.  Some  conductive   moulding of the part, usually carried   repeatability directly to the shop floor
          plastics are also used in Electromag-  out for component features that are   allowing  the  technicians  to  check
          netic Shielding, reducing EM interfer-  not  compatible  with  the  moulding   their own work at every stage and to
          ence.                              process but are necessary to the fin-  produce extensive reports when re-
          Pentagon’s  breadth  of  processing  ished  product  or  to  keep  some  of   quired.    Saving  measurable  amounts
          knowledge  delivers  multiple  benefits  the initial cost out of the mould tool.    of  time  on  the  existing  manual  pro-
          to  customers,  sound  material  advice  This  includes  things  such  as  drilling   cesses this state-of-the-art technology
          within the design stage coupled with  or insert fitting, milling, trimming and   will predominantly be used for elec-
          optimal  mould  tool  design  that  is  light assembly. Within the department   trodes, cores, cavities, and other tool-
          aligned  with  specific  material  behav-  quality  checks  take  place  every  1-2   ing components it will deliver greater
          iours  and  properties.  Our  optimised  hours  whereby  sample  components   accuracy  for  quality  checking.    The
          injection moulding processes allow for  that  are  being  worked  on  are  taken   investment will support the reduction
          manufacturing efficiencies that lead to  by  the  quality  inspectors,  checked,   of tool manufacturing lead times and
          repeatable quality products delivered  and measured using equipment such   reduce  the  additional  resources  for
          with efficient lead times.         as  co-ordinate  measuring,  callipers,   reworking or remaking items.

          Have you encountered any recent ad-  micrometres, pin/thread gauges, and  The Deltron features fully sealed re-
          vancements  in  plastic  materials  that   custom-built  product  specific  jigs  or  circulating  bearings  delivering  four
          have  significantly  impacted  your  ap-  gauges.                      key benefits : no dirt ingress, no gear-
          proach to injection moulding?      The  results  are  then  recorded  and   box, no compressed air, and smooth

          In line with the modern environment   monitored;  this  enables  the  quality   fast operation. This helps deliver ex-
                                                                                 ceptional accuracy, simplicity, and re-
          and  the  hard  focus  on  sustainability   team to see if overtime any changes   liability.  The  system  will  allow  us  to
          within the polymer industry, the cur-  have occurred and maintains consist-  perform high accuracy measurement
          rent  crop  of  recycled  materials  that   ent accuracy of post moulding opera-  supported  with  bespoke  generated
          are  available  are  much  better  than   tions.  The strict quality processes al-  reports, run automatic measurement
          the products of a few years ago. Ben-  low us to capture, report and rectify   programs, and allows offline program-
          efiting from much greater consistency   any quality concerns before they be-  ming.  Having  the  ability  to  import
          allowing  for  a  repeatable  process  in   come an issue that may impact fulfil-  DXF, STEP and IGES files will further
          the  moulding  machine.  This  in  turn   ment of a customer order.    aid the process and simplify the meas-
          increases  our  confidence  in  offering  Pentagon Plastics recently ac-  uring of component parts.
          them  as  an  alternative  to  traditional  quired a Deltron CNC Coordinate
          virgin polymers. This is particularly at-  Measuring  Machine  from  Vision   This will be a real asset to the shop
          tractive to customers who want to be  Engineering. Could you elabo-    floor.
          more  environmentally  sustainable  or  rate on the specific features and  How  do  the  properties  of  differ-
          are simply looking for ways to reduce  functionalities  of  this  equipment  ent thermoplastics affect the de-

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