Page 55 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Pashupati and Recykal to boost channelization of PCR-recycled resin

             ashupati  Group,  a  45-year  giant  materials like PCR resins, PET flakes,  compliance to manufacture products
          Pin  manufacturing  sustainable  re-  fiber and yarn, catering to the needs  and packaging for their environmen-
          cycled  resins,  has  joined  forces  with  of brands, recyclers, and producers of  tally  conscious  consumer.  This  col-
          Recykal,  a  managed  marketplace  for  different industries. Through strategic  laboration will enable speed at which
          post-consumer recycled resin (PCR).  partnerships,  serving  as  a  sales  and  material  connectivity  be  established
          The  collaboration  reinforces  the  marketing ally for recyclers with the  to meet the obligation of PWM regu-
          shared  commitment  of  both  organi-  right processes and capacity, Recykal  lations that have mandated the use of
          zations  to  boost  the  channelization  aims to amplify its impact in circular-  Post-Consumer Recycled resins in the
          of PCR Resins to meet the increasing  ity. Recykal advances its commitment  packaging.
          demand of brands and manufacturers.  to  channelize  materials  to  increasing   Bankey  Bihari  Goenka,  managing  di-
          The partnership represents a pivotal  market demand.                   rector  at  Pashupati  Group,  said,  “At
          advancement in championing closed-  This  alliance  is  a  step  to  further  the  Pashupati Group, we are dedicated to
          loop production systems and curbing   shared  vision  of  both  organizations  fostering a greener future through our
          the environmental footprint of manu-  –  to  create  a  sustainable  circular  sustainable  practices.  This  collabora-
          facturing operations.
                                             economy ecosystem that has a long-  tion  allows  to  accelerate  the  supply
          Pashupati Group has been at the helm  lasting positive impact on the planet.  of regular and consistent quality post-
          of  creating  sustainable  solutions  by  Recykal’s  innovative  platform,  Re-  consumer  recycled  resin  complying
          recycling  plastics,  including  PET,  and  cykal8, is set to revolutionize Pashu-  with International Quality Standards.
          Polyolefin. Pashupati Group has four  pati  Group’s  approach  to  channelize  Together, we look forward to making
          recycling  facilities,  two  packaging  fa-  sustainable materials by establishing a  significant  strides  towards  environ-
          cilities  across  India  with  a  total  of  key link with brands and manufactur-  mental stewardship and circularity.”
          300,000  tonnes  processing  capacity,  ers. Through this partnership, Pashu-  Recykal’s  founder  and  CEO,  Abhay
          preventing 10 million PET bottles and  pati  Group  will  leverage  Recykal8’s   Deshpande,  said,  “We  are  delighted
          2  million  of  polyolefin  bottles  every  advanced marketplace to access high-  to join forces with Pashupati Group,
          day  from  going  to  landfills  or  water  quality  PCR  materials,  aligning  with   a  trailblazer  in  sustainable  manufac-
          bodies.                            their  goal  of  promoting  eco-friendly   turing. By leveraging Recykal8’s capa-
                                             and  responsible  manufacturing  pro-
          Recykal,  a  leading  cleantech  startup,                              bilities, we aim to facilitate a seamless
          operates  a  tech-driven  marketplace   cesses.                        flow  of  recycled  materials,  driving
          streamlining  post-consumer  waste  Brands  that  want  to  introduce  their  market  sustainability  and  supporting
          for brand owners and recyclers. Re-  sustainable  products  and  use  recy-  Pashupati  Group’s  vision  for  a  more
          cykal  has  launched  a  sophisticated  cled  packaging  can  source  the  PCR  eco-conscious industry.”
          Recykal8,  a  B2B  marketplace  that  from Pashupati Group on a large scale           Source: The Packman
          channels  post-consumer  recycled  without compromising on quality and

          AIMPLAS supported 1,500 companies in transition to circular

             he circular economy continues to  reviewing the processes, services and  its  range  of  projects,  services  and
          Tbe the most important challenge  products of the entire value chain and  training to help the business commu-
          currently  facing  the  plastics  sector.  avoiding greenwashing.      nity. Specifically, throughout 2023, the
          Companies are in the process of con-  To support this transition, AIMPLAS,   Centre worked with more than 1,500
          verting to a more sustainable business   the Plastics Technology Centre, has a   companies  on  actions  related  to  the
          model in terms of both the economy   long  history  of  promoting  circularity   circular economy.
          and the environment and this involves
                                             and each year it continues to increase  The  main  lines  of  work  in  2023  in

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