Page 53 - Plastics News April 2024
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          Sabic, Pashupati Group exploring recycling opportunities in India

                                             ing Director at                     whilst Sabic will focus on the market-
                                             Pashupati  Group.  On  the  right,  Ja-  ing and sales of recycled products.
                                             nardhanan                            “This is a crucial first step in our ef-
                                             Ramanujalu, Vice President South Asia   forts  to  support  and  accelerate  the
                                             at Sabic                            transformation of India’s plastics econ-
                                             Pashupati  operates  waste  manage-  omy towards circularity,” said Sanjay
                                             ment  services  under  the  Extended   Mishra, general manager, engineering
                                             Producer  Responsibility  (EPR)  legis-  thermoplastics  &  performance  poly-
                                             lation for plastics introduced in India   mers  at  Sabic.  “At  the  same  time,  it
             he  companies  will  evaluate  the   in 2016. The company uses its Waste   expands  our  collaboration  with  ex-
          Tpotential  development  of  a  py-  Circularity mobile app to collect plas-  perienced  local  recyclers  in  Asia  as
          rolysis plant in India             tic  waste  in  challenging  terrains,  in-  we  are  continuously  sourcing  valu-
          Saudi  chemical  manufacturer  Sabic  cluding  mountains  and  coastal  areas,   able  feedstock  to  meet  the  growing
          signed  a  memorandum  of  under-  in  addition  to  serving  urban  and  ru-  demand for our Trucircle portfolio of
          standing  with  Pashupati  Group,  an  ral settings. It collects 12 million PET   recycled, circular polymers.”
          India-based mechanical and chemical  bottles and 2 million polyolefin bottles   Sabic has committed to producing 1
          recycler of PET and polyolefins.   a day.                              million tonnes of circular materials by
          The companies will explore, evaluate,  Through  the  new  partnership,  Sabic   2030. At the World Economic Forum
          and  develop  local  business  opportu-  and Pashupati will share best practices   2023  Meeting  in  Davos,  it  revealed
          nities  for  recycling  waste  plastics  in  and exchange knowledge about plas-  that it is exploring a new world-scale
          India, including the potential develop-  tic recycling processes, including the   commercial chemical recycling invest-
          ment  of  a  pyrolysis  plant  to  provide  mixing of virgin and recycled polyole-  ment.  This  new  plant  would  poten-
          Sabic  with  feedstock  for  its  circular  fins  in  manufacturing  new  products.   tially  have  a  capacity  of  around  200
          polymers.                          Pashupati will contribute its expertise   kilotons of per year.
          On the left, Bankey Goenka, Manag-  in mechanical and chemical recycling,        Source: Sustainable Plastics

          AIMPLAS supports companies in transition to the circular economy

             he  Plastics  Technology  Centre  The  circular  economy  continues  to  incorporation  of  bio-based,  recy-
          Tcontinued  to  increase  its  activ-  be the most important challenge cur-  cled,  recyclable,  biodegradable  and
          ity on the circular economy. In 2023,  rently facing the plastics sector. Com-  compostable  materials;  the  develop-
          AIMPLAS  presented  206  projects  panies are in the process of convert-  ment of new business models based
          on  the  subject,  provided  more  than  ing  to  a  more  sustainable  business  on  repair  and  reuse;  improvements
          1,100 technological services to com-  model in terms of both the economy  in waste collection, management and
          panies and participated in 76 training  and the environment and this involves  separation  systems;  optimisation  of
          and conference activities.         reviewing the processes, services and  mechanical,  chemical  and  enzymatic
                                             products of the entire value chain and  recycling  processes  to  obtain  qual-
          This redoubled activity went hand in
          hand with an increase in people and   avoiding greenwashing.           ity  materials  for  use  in  high  value-
          facilities carried out based on environ-  Throughout 2023, AIMPLAS worked   added applications; obtaining plastics
          mental  sustainability  criteria  in  con-  with more than 1,500 companies on   from  agri-food  waste;  and  recovery
          junction with an emissions reduction  actions related to the circular econo-  through biodegradation and compost-
          plan that enabled the Centre to obtain  my.                            ing processes.
          the REDUZCO seal from the relevant   The  main  lines  of  work  in  2023  in   Specifically, in the area of R&D pro-
          Spanish Ministry.                  terms  of  R&D  were  ecodesign;  the   jects, a total of 206 projects related

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