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                                                                                 EN  15343  and  Recyclass  for  both
                                                                                 recyclers  and  converters  by  offering
                                                                                 certification that allows companies to
                                                                                 demonstrate the amount of recycled
                                                                                 material in its packaging and therefore
                                                                                 reduce  the  impact  of  taxes  on  non-
                                                                                 reusable plastic packaging.
                                                                                 Other key services are related to as-
                                                                                 sessing  the  recyclability  of  products
                                                                                 in  accordance  with  the  protocols
                                                                                 of  Plastics  Recycling  Europe  (PRE)
                                                                                 and the Association of Plastics Recy-
                                                                                 clers (APR) in the United States. The
                                                                                 Centre also provides reuse testing to
                                                                                 demonstrate  reusability  through  the
          terms  of  R&D  were  ecodesign;  the  obtain  bioplastics  from  conventional   Designed  to  be  Reusable  label  and
          incorporation  of  bio-based,  recy-  plastics;  and  RECICAUTXU,  which   the  development  of  new  test  meth-
          cled,  recyclable,  biodegradable  and  seeks solutions for recovering end-of-  ods for the identification and charac-
          compostable  materials;  the  develop-  life tyres for use in construction.   terisation of microplastics. In addition,
          ment of new business models based   Technological services and training   AIMPLAS  covers  all  aspects  related
          on  repair  and  reuse;  improvements   In  terms  of  technological  services,   to  ecodesign,  environmental  impact
          in waste collection, management and   AIMPLAS  worked  with  more  than   through  life  cycle  assessment  (LCA)
          separation  systems;  optimisation  of   600 companies on 1,100 services re-  and  carbon  footprinting  through  the
          mechanical,  chemical  and  enzymatic   lated to the circular economy in 2023   corporate  carbon  footprint  certifi-
          recycling  processes  to  obtain  qual-  and increased its turnover in consul-  cation,  which  will  be  mandatory  for
          ity  materials  for  use  in  high  value-  tancy and laboratory services by more   companies in the coming years.
          added applications; obtaining plastics   than 30% compared to the previous   In the area of training, 76 training ac-
          from  agri-food  waste;  and  recovery   year. In fact, the Centre’s laboratory   tivities  and  conferences  were  held
          through biodegradation and compost-  services include the most accredited   with  the  attendance  of  more  than
          ing processes.                     tests for the plastics industry in Spain,   1,500  professionals  from  some  900
          Specifically, in the area of R&D pro-  which  means  that  companies  were   companies.  These  activities  included
          jects, a total of 206 projects related   able to verify the sustainability of their   the  new  professional  degree  in  the
          to  the  circular  economy  were  pre-  products and publicise it by obtaining   circular  economy,  which  was  very
          sented  last  year,  10%  more  than  in   ecolabels.                  well  received  in  its  first  and  second
          the previous year. These projects in-  Furthermore,  in  2023,  AIMPLAS   editions, the eighth edition of the In-
          cluded RASPONS, whose results are   continued to increase its biodegrada-  ternational  Seminar  on  Biopolymers
          cardboard-like compostable products   tion capacities, as well as related ac-  and  Sustainable  Composites,  as  well
          from  agricultural  by-products  from   creditations,  such  as  DIN  CERTCO   as the second edition of the Interna-
          the  wine  sector;  FUSTARISE,  which   in Europe and BPI certification in the   tional  Seminar  on  Recycling,  which
          uses mechanochemistry to obtain sus-  United States, thus complementing its   was attended by more than 300 peo-
          tainable adhesives and packaging from   TÜV Austria certification and offering   ple. Organisation of the sixth edition
          pruning waste; ELLIPSE, a European   the most complete laboratory for bio-  of MeetingPack in collaboration with
          project that recovers slaughterhouse   degradation and compostability tests   AINIA, which will take place on 10-11
          waste and sludge and paper pulp for   under  aerobic  and  anaerobic  condi-  April, has also started. Furthermore,
          applications in agriculture and person-  tions in different media.     the seventh edition of the Plastics and
          al care; RECRITIC, in which electrical                                 Circular  Economy  conference,  a  na-
          and electronic equipment is recycled   AIMPLAS has also positioned itself as  tional benchmark in the field, will be
          to  recover  critical  raw  materials;   a benchmark in certifications for the  held on 7 November.
          BIOICEP, which develops methods to   use  of  recycled  plastic  in  packaging      Source: interplas insights
                                             in  accordance  with  standards  UNE-
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