Page 34 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 34


          Table 1 Compositions of waterborne model formulation  Table 3 Solubility parameter of different co-solvents
          Ingredients               Characteristic              Co-solvents       Butyl Carbitol      Isopropyl
          Acrylate                  Waterborne Resin                                                Alcohol (IPA)
          Eversorb®AQ1              Blend UVA and HALS          ((cal/cm^3)^1/2         9.9             11.5

            Table 2 Compositions of wood pretreatments model

          Ingredients               Characteristic
          Eversorb®SB1              Blend  UVA  and  HALS
                                                                 hardwoods hardwoods hardwoods softwoods softwoods
          Butyl Carbitol or Isopropyl  Aqueous
          Alcohol (IPA)                                         Fig.2 Different type of woods

         Screening Design

             creening design (Table 4) was used to identify factors that get the minimal color change after weathering test.
          SMathematical model derived from data indicates all factors –X1: 5 different type of woods (Cedar, Douglas fir,
          Southern beech, African Teak and Southern pine). X2: 3 type of treatments (X2-1:

          Top Coat: Waterborne Acrylic Resin, X2-2: Wood Pretreatment: Butyl Carbitol mixed with EV-SB1, Top Coat: EV-AQ1
          mixed with Acrylic Resin and X2-3: Wood Pretreatment: IPA mixed with EV-SB1, Top Coat: EV-AQ1 mixed with Acrylic
          Resin). The Analysis of variance, parameter estimates and effect tests (as shown in table

          5, table 6 and table 7).

                                      Table 4 Details of Screening Design and Test Results

                     X1:  5  different                 X2:3 type of treatments                        ΔE:
                     type of woods     X2-1:Waterborne Acrylic Resin                          Delta difference color

                                       X2-2:Wood Pretreatment: Butyl Carbitol mixed with EV-SB1:Top   (300h)
                                       Coat: 2% EV-AQ1 mixed with Acrylic Resin
                                       X2-3:Wood Pretreatment: IPA mixed with 10% EV-SB1:Top Coat: 2%
                                       EV-AQ1 mixed with Acrylic Resin
             A-1-1         Cedar                               X2-1                                   15.1
             A-2-1         Cedar                               X2-2                                   11.5
             A-3-1         Cedar                               X2-3                                   8.1
             B-1-1       Douglas fir                           X2-1                                   23.9
             B-2-1       Douglas fir                           X2-2                                   14.5
             B-3-1       Douglas fir                           X2-3                                   11.3
             C-1-1    Southern beech                           X2-1                                   8.5
             C-2-1    Southern beech                           X2-2                                   4.1
             C-3-1      Southern beech                         X2-3                                   2.5

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