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                                             2% EV-AQ1 in in
                    Blank     2% EV-AQ1      2% EV-AQ1
                              2% EV-AQ1 in in
                                top coat      top coat
                                              top coat
                                top coat
                                 + +            + +
          Fig.7 Photo of African teak after weathering test for 300hrs
         Fig.7 Photo of African teak after weathering test for 300hrs  RESULTS
                                           10% EV-SB1mixed with
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with
                                           10% EV-SB1mixed with
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with
         Fig.7 Photo of African teak after weathering test for 300hrsent
                                           IPA in the pretreatm
                             Butyl Carbitol in the
                                           IPA in the pretreatment
                             Butyl Carbitol in the
                                                                    ur data confirmed that the solubility parameter of
                                                                oisopropyl alcohol is 11.5 and butyl carbitol is 9.9.
                                                                After weathering test, SB-1 mixed with isopropyl alcohol
                                                                is better than butyl carbitol.
                                                                   nvironmentally friendly coatings are the trend for
                                                                Efuture  development.  We  have  developed  several
                     ΔE=8.5     ΔE=4.1       ΔE=2.5
                                                                unique products specifically for coatings.
                                                                Eversorb AQ-1,  a  blend  of  UV  absorber  and  HALS,  is
                                             2% EV-AQ1 in in
                              2% EV-AQ1
                    Blank     2% EV-AQ1 in in  2% EV-AQ1
                                              top coat
                                top coat      top coat          developed for waterborne clear coats.
                                top coat
                                 + +            + +             Eversorb SB1, designed for wood pretreatments, can
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with  10% EV-SB1mixed with  protect lignin from UV light degradation.
                                           10% EV-SB1mixed with
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with
                                           IPA in the pretreatment
                             Butyl Carbitol in the
                                           IPA in the pretreatment
                             Butyl Carbitol in the
          Fig.8 Photo of Southern beech after weathering test for 300hrs
         Fig.8 Photo of Southern beech after weathering test for 300hrs
         Fig.8 Photo of Southern beech after weathering test for 300hrs
                                                                Lignin is a complex organic polymers. The functional group
                                                                contains hydroxyl groups (-oH). The solubility parameter
                                                                of isopropyl alcohol is 11.5 and butyl carbitol is 9.9. After
                                                                weathering test, SB-1 mixed with isopropyl alcohol is better
                                                                than butyl carbitol. Our data confirmed that the higher
                                                                solubility parameter can get the better performance. The
                                                                softwoods contain 25–35% lignin and hardwoods contain
                   Blank       2% EV-AQ1 in    2% EV-AQ1 in     18–25% lignin. Theory, SB-1 pre-treatment is significant
                                top coat         top coat       to protect softwoods. Data indicates that pre-treatment
                    ΔE=31.9     ΔE=10.5     ΔE=6.3  +           with SB-1 in softwoods (Southern Pine and Douglas fir) are
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with  10% EV-SB1mixed with  significant effect than hardwoods (Cedar, Southern beech
                             Butyl Carbitol in the  IPA in the pretreatment
                               pretreatment                     and African Teak).
        Fig.9 Photo of Southern Pine after weathering test for 300hrs   Coating manufactures may still need to run the
                                                                experiments to confirm its coating systems compatibility.
          Fig.9 Photo of Southern Pine after weathering test for   Also,  a  tailor  made  UV  absorber  and  light  stabilizer
          300hrs RESULTS RESULTS                                package can be offering to fulfill your special needs.
                                                                [1]  YAO-HSING HUANG, YUNG-CHI YANG. Light stabilisers
                                                                    for clear coatings [J]. Polymers Paint Colour Journal,
                                                                    2010, 2000(4544):38.
                                                                [2]  EVANS,  P.  D., A.  F. A.  WALLIS  and  N.  L.  OWEN.
                                                                    Weathering of chemically modified wood surfaces [J].
                                                                    Wood Science and Technology, 2000, 34(2): 151-165
                                                                [3]  CHANG,  S.  T.,  D.  N.  S.  HON  and  W.  C.  Feist.
                   ΔE=27.2      ΔE=25.1       ΔE=23.3               Photodegradation and photoprotection of wood
                                                                    surface  [J].  Wood  and  Fiber  Science,  1982,  14(2):
                   Blank       2% EV-AQ1 in    2% EV-AQ1 in         104-117.
                                top coat         top coat
                                  +               +             [4]  EVANS,  P.  D., A.  F. A.  WALLIS  and  N.  L.  OWEN.
                            10% EV-SB1mixed with  10% EV-SB1mixed with  Weathering of chemically modified wood surfaces [J].
                             Butyl Carbitol in the  IPA in the pretreatment
                               pretreatment                         Wood Science and Technology, 2000, 34(2): 151-165.
          Fig.10 Photo of Luanta-fir after wearthing test for 300hrs
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