Page 35 - Plastcs News August 2017
P. 35
D-1-1 African Teak X2-1 27.2
D-2-1 African Teak X2-2 25.1
D-3-1 African Teak X2-3 23.3
E-1-1 Southern pine X2-1 31.8
E-2-1 Southern pine X2-2 10.0
E-3-1 Southern pine X2-3 6.4
A-1-2 Cedar X2-1 15.4
A-2-2 Cedar X2-2 11.4
A-3-2 Cedar X2-3 8.4
B-1-2 Douglas fir X2-1 23.6
B-2-2 Douglas fir X2-2 14.2
B-3-2 Douglas fir X2-3 11.0
C-1-2 Southern beech X2-1 8.8
C-2-2 Southern beech X2-2 4.3
C-3-2 Southern beech X2-3 2.4
D-1-2 African Teak X2-1 26.8
D-2-2 African Teak X2-2 25.2
D-3-2 African Teak X2-3 23.0
E-1-2 Southern pine X2-1 31.9
E-2-2 Southern pine X2-2 10.5
E-3-2 Southern pine X2-3 6.7
Summary of Fit R2 = 0.99 R2 Adj =0.99, RMSE=0.2
Table 5. Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 14 2311.3447 165.096 4093.290
Error 15 0.6050 0.040 Prob > F
C. Total 29 2311.9497 <.0001*
Table 6. Parameter estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 14.896667 0.036667 406.27 <.0001*
X1:Different woods[African Teak] 10.203333 0.073333 139.14 <.0001*
X1:Different woods[Cedar] -3.246667 0.073333 -44.27 <.0001*
X1:Different woods[Douglas fir] 1.52 0.073333 20.73 <.0001*
X1:Different woods[Southern beech] -9.796667 0.073333 -133.6 <.0001*
X2:Three type of treatments[ Acrylic Resin] 6.4033333 0.051854 123.49 <.0001*
35 Aug ust 2017 | Plastics News