Page 24 - Plastics News August 2019
P. 24


          Why & When Should You Re-Crystallize PET Scrap

          Whether you’re blow molding PET bottles or extruding APET sheet, you’ll produce amorphous scrap in the
          process. How you handle it will impact your production costs. Re-crystallizing it will help.

              hen processors receive deliveries of virgin PET, the   conditions experienced throughout most of the U.S and
          :material will be in a semi-crystalline state, which   Canada.
          FDQ EH FRQÀUPHG E\ WKH PLON\ ZKLWH FRORU RI WKH SHOOHWV    One of the most critical issues encountered when
          Virgin PET is actually colorless; the milky appearance is   processing PET is pre-drying of the polymer prior to melt
          due to the crystallinity of the material, which causes light   processing. PET is extremely sensitive to hydrolysis during
          entering the pellets to scatter, making it appear white.  melt processing and will react with residual moisture left
          'XULQJ  LWV  ÀUVW  SKDVH  RI  PDQXIDFWXULQJ   3(7  H[LWV  WKH   in the polymer due to inadequate drying. This hydrolytic
          melt-phase reactor and is chopped into small cylindrical,   reaction will sever or break some of the polymer chains,
          transparent pellets which are 100% amorphous. Prior to   lowering the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer and resulting
          or during the last phase of manufacturing—solid-state   in reduced physical properties.
          polymerization—the transparent, amorphous pellets     PET suppliers strongly recommend pre-drying PET to a
          are crystallized by high-temperature heating, during   ÀQDO  PRLVWXUH  OHYHO  LQ  WKH  UDQJH  RI          WR
                                              which they are    prior to melt processing in order to prevent any chance
                                              also agitated to   of hydrolytic degradation.  The drying parameters
                                              prevent them      recommended by all PET material suppliers are crucial
                                              from sticking or   and should be followed precisely:
                                              fusing together.   1. Drying temperature: 300 F to 350 F;
                                              :KHQ  KHDWHG      2. Dewpoint of the drying air: -20 F or lower;
                                              to its glass-     3. Drying time: 4 to 6 hr.
                                              transition        RE-CRYSTALLIZING SCRAP PET
                                              (approximately    One of the challenges encountered when reclaiming
                                              170 F to 200 F),   the scrap generated in the processing of PET bottles
          the polymer chains will begin to fold up upon themselves   or thermoformed APET sheet containers is drying
          to form numerous crystals within the polymer, and the   the granulated scrap. Remember, material suppliers
          surface of the pellets will begin to soften and stick or   UHFRPPHQG WKDW 3(7 EH SUH GULHG WR D ÀQDO PRLVWXUH OHYHO
          fuse to adjoining pellets.                            of 0.003% to 0.005% prior to melt processing in order to
          Once the temperature exceeds the glass-transition     prevent any chance of hydrolytic degradation. And it must
          temperature, the surface will re-harden and not soften   be dried in the range of 300 F to 350 F. There’s the rub:
          again until it reaches its melting temperature of 450 F to   Both types of scrap are amorphous, and when amorphous
          500 F. The softening effect is the reason that agitation is   PET is heated to its glass-transition temperature it will
          required. Once the surface of the pellets re-hardens, the   begin to soften, stick together, and bridge, causing
          vigorous agitation breaks up any clumps created during   PDWHULDO ÁRZ LQWHUUXSWLRQV LQ WKH GU\LQJ KRSSHU
          FU\VWDOOL]DWLRQ DQG NHHSV WKH PDWHULDO ÁRZLQJ IUHHO\  7KLV   There are two possible courses of action to address the
          type of crystallization is called heat-set crystallinity, which   dilemma of drying reclaimed amorphous PET scrap,
          occurs when amorphous PET is heated to an elevated    depending on the process:
          temperature.                                           ‡   3(7  ERWWOH  PDNLQJ   3(7  SUHIRUPV  DUH  DPRUSKRXV
          PET is a very hygroscopic polymer and will readily        and the blown bottles have a low level of strain-
          absorb moisture when exposed to the atmosphere during     induced crystallinity. As a result, preform and bottle
          transportation and storage. PET will continue to absorb   scrap should never be dried at normal PET drying
          moisture from the atmosphere until it reaches a state of   temperatures, which are suitable only for pre-
          equilibrium with the surrounding air. PET moisture levels   crystallized resin. However, a processor can blend a
          may reach as high as 0.2% to 0.3% under typical weather   small percentage (5% to 10% or even 15% ) of preform

          Plastics News  August 2019   24
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