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          tic,” the statement noted.                            tent requirements.”

          The Association of Plastic Recyclers called the       Environmental  NGOs  voiced  support  for  the
          strategy “a significant step as it represents the     strategy. WWF Vice President and Head of
          first comprehensive, government-wide strategy         Plastic Waste and Business Erin Simon said in a
          to target plastic pollution.”                         statement that WWF is “heartened to see this
                                                                report doesn’t shy away from the negative im-
          APR owns Resource Recycling, the publisher of         pacts that plastics have on human health and
          Plastics Recycling Update.                            analyzes the problem through the full life cycle

                                                                of plastic.”
          “APR applauds the report for recognizing plas-
          tics recycling as a crucial part of the large-scale,   “Cleaning up the global plastic mess must start
          holistic approach needed to achieve a true circu-     at home,” she added. “And today under Presi-
          lar economy for plastic,” APR’s statement noted.      dent Biden and Vice President Harris’ leader-
          “Importantly, the report identifies several key       ship, the U.S. government is doing exactly that.
          actions that are long-standing APR priorities as      The world is watching; now is the time for bold
          proven and necessary steps to improve plastics        commitments and concrete action on plastic.”
                                                                Ocean Conservancy’s Jeff Watters, vice presi-
          Those priorities are increasing the supply of         dent of external affairs, said in an emailed state-
          high-quality recyclable plastic packaging with        ment that the report is “the clearest articulation
          design standards and specifications and improv-       to date from the White House of the scale and
          ing the demand for post-consumer material with        urgency of the plastic pollution crisis and the
          minimum post- consumer recycled content re-           threat it poses for our ocean and communities.
          quirements, APR added.
                                                                “This report reiterates what scientists have been
          However, the Plastics Industry Association said       saying about the ocean plastic pollution crisis for
          it was disappointed in the strategy, which it said    years, which is that we need to do it all: produce
          “arbitrarily singles out plastic under the false      less plastic across the board, invest in waste
          pretense of a lower environmental impact,” Matt       management and reuse systems and clean up
          Seaholm, PIA president and CEO, said in a state-      what is already in the environment,” he added.
                                                                Report details
          “Instead of targeting plastics, we support invest-
          ing in improving our country’s recycling infra-       The report opens by laying out the effects plas-
          structure and are pleased to see this priority in-    tic pollution has on the environment and human
          cluded in the White House’s strategy,” Seaholm        health, voicing support for “developing an inter-
          added. “New innovations, like advanced recy-          national agreement that is commensurate to the
          cling, which increase the efficiency, amount, and     scale and breadth of the plastics problem.”
          types of plastics that can be recycled, must not                         SOURCE - Plastics Recycling Update
          be stifled. Furthermore, we support well-crafted
          extended producer responsibility policies and
          reasonable nationally recognized recycled con-

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