Page 96 - Plastics News August 2024
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          formance. High-performance thermoplastics like        Incorporation of new plastics as materials in the
          thermoplastic composites, polyimides and relat-       manufacture of consumer electronics is ena-
          ed products are commonly used in aircrafts and        bling the producers to come up with more styl-
          spacecrafts to attain these goals.                    ish gadgets. Polycarbonate as well as acrylic are
                                                                favorite materials for smartphone, tablet and
          These materials possess excellent specific
          strength and can endure temperature variation
          and other harsh conditions; the most appropri-
          ate use of these materials is on items such as
          frames, trusses, hinges, and other similar parts
          found within a given structure.

          7. Energy Storage and Conversion

                                                                laptop  housing because of  their high  impact
                                                                strength.Furthermore, plastic based nanomate-
                                                                rials are being researched for the enhancement
                                                                of electronic devices and at the same time con-
                                                                taining the manufacturing cost.


                                                                The given examples of using plastics in the
                                                                technologies that are being developed demon-
                                                                strate the unlimited possibilities of this material.
          Currently, plastics are also being incorporated       Whether in the creation of electronic papers or
          into  energy  storage  and  conversion  devices.      high-end aerospace parts, plastic is moving the
          Research is also being carried out in conductive      goalposts and setting the pace in different fields.
          polymers and plastic-based super capacitors to
          improve energy storage products.                      Thus, it is only logical to state that as technolo-
                                                                gies advance, plastic will always remain a sig-
          They can be incorporated into bendy and light-        nificant factor in determining the future, people
          weight energy conversion and storing devices          should not only obtain products that are found
          that are useful in the development of batteries       useful by society but also which are environ-
          and capacitors used in electronics and renew-         mentally friendly, and flexible.
          able energy.
                                                                                   SOURCE – PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY
          8. Consumer Electronics

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