Page 99 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 99


          Industry reacts to federal plastic pollution strat-


                 he Biden administration released a fed-        sound waste management” and cleaning up ex-
                 eral  strategy  aimed  at  reducing  plastic   isting plastic pollution.
          Tpollution, drawing mixed responses from
          industry players.                                     The White House also shared a new goal, to
                                                                phase out federal procurement of single-use
          The strategy, “Mobilizing Federal Action on Plas-     plastics in food service operations, events and
          tic Pollution: Progress, Principles and Priorities,”   packaging by 2027, expanding to cover all fed-
          outlines existing and new federal actions that will   eral operations by 2035.
          “reduce the impact of plastic pollution through-
          out the plastic lifecycle,” according to a press re-  The Recycled Materials Association praised the
          lease. The 80-plus page report was developed          strategy, saying the organization “looks forward
          by the Interagency Policy Committee on Plastic        to working with the Administration as it executes
          Pollution and a Circular Economy.                     this ambitious program.”

          Those  actions  include  reducing  pollution  from    “The recycled materials industry supports the
          the extraction of fossil fuels and production of      Biden-Harris Administration’s pursuit of ways to
          plastic, supporting innovation in alternative ma-     reduce plastic pollution by supporting the use
          terials and processing methods, decreasing            of reusable, compostable and highly recyclable
          plastic generation, improving “environmentally        products rather than disposable single-use plas-

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