Page 97 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 97


          Prefilled Plastic Injector Is Environmentally Su-

          perior to Glass Syringe, Study Sa

                   ultiple reports have debunked the no-        care entity. Notably, it wants to reach net zero
                   tion that glass is an environmentally        by 2040 in emissions it directly controls and net
          Msuperior  alternative to  plastic,  but  a           zero by 2045 in respect to emissions it can influ-
          study released this month is the first one I’m        ence but does not control directly.
          aware of that compares the environmental foot-
          print of a prefilled plastic injection device to the   “The environmental impact of a product is a fact
          widely used glass syringe. The year-long, peer-       of life, so we commissioned this study,” said El-
          reviewed study purports to show that a blow-fill-     lenthal. “We knew intuitively that our prefilled
          seal (BFS) prefilled injector developed by Api-       vial made of low-density polyethylene was more
          Ject Systems Corp. offers a significant reduction     sustainable than conventional glass,” said El-
          in greenhouse gas emissions and water usage.          lenthal, but he wanted the data to prove it. “We
                                                                were the catalyst, but experts did the work.”
          The study, “Life Cycle Assessment of the Pre-
          filled ApiJect Injector,” measured each step in       The study is authored by Robert Litan, PhD, for-
          the production and distribution of the device,        mer director of economic studies at the Brook-
          including upstream materials production, manu-        ings Institution, and Matthew Eckelman, PhD,
          facturing,  quality inspection,  packaging, trans-    adjunct associate professor at the Yale School
          portation, and waste management.                      of Public Health, with expertise in emissions
                                                                modeling. The authors were supported by en-
          Why do this study in the first place?                 gineers and scientists from Kymanox, a global

                                                                professional services company exclusively serv-
          I did wonder about the motivation for this study,     ing the life sciences sector. The study was peer
          so I put the question to ApiJect Systems Presi-       reviewed by an independent panel of environ-
          dent Jon Ellenthal. “All industries are facing pres-  mental and economic modeling experts.
          sure from customers, who are making buying
          decisions based on the environmental impact of        Among the findings:
          products.  Sellers  need  to act  responsibly. And
          pressure is coming from investors and govern-         Single-dose glass vials and luer-type prefilled sy-
          ments to decarbonize,” said Ellenthal. He cited       ringes have a carbon footprint that is more than
          the example of the United Kingdom’s National          100% higher per dose than the ApiJect device.
          Health Service, which has the ambition of be-         The ApiJect device also outperformed multi-
          coming the world’s first net zero national health-
                                                                dose vials and staked-type prefilled syringes,

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