Page 95 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 95


          Disposable microfluidic systems, represented by
          elements of lab-on-a-chip, which are extensively
          used in diagnostics, are made of plastic because
          of its low cost and possibility to work with pol-
          ymers. They are also used continuous wearing
          health monitor devices that are light in weight
          but comfortable to be worn all the time.

          4. Smart Textiles

                                                                ble plastics give a chance to use renewable re-
                                                                source instead of petroleum based packaging.

                                                                These materials also degrade faster and safely
                                                                than the traditional plastics hence having lesser
                                                                effects on the environment. Antimicrobial agents
                                                                or oxygen scavengers as incorporated in the ac-
                                                                tive packaging solutions help prolong the shelf
                                                                life of foods, and drugs.

                                                                6. Advanced Aerospace Components
          Smart textiles refer to clothing items that have
          electronics incorporated in their production and
          plastic material is involved here. Conductive pol-
          ymers are applied on textiles to make them con-
          ductive to be able to interface with sensors and

          These textiles can include health-monitoring
          clothing for patients, smart attire that can com-
          municate, and even military uniform that chang-
          es with the weather.
          5. Sustainable Packaging

          There are certain environmental issues that are
          now compelling manufacturers to find better so-
          lutions such as packaging and here, plastics are      In aerospace, weight control is significant in fuel
          playing a major role. Eco friendly and composta-      consumption as well as other aspects of the per-

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