Page 68 - Plastics News August 2024
P. 68


          CMC Packaging Automation partners with Mondi

          to pioneer sustainable eCommerce Packaging


          ♦   Strategic Partnership: CMC Packaging Auto-        tween CMC's cutting-edge packaging on-de-
             mation names Mondi as the preferred kraft          mand technology and Mondi's prowess in sus-
             paper partner for their packaging machines.        tainable kraft paper products, the partnership
                                                                is primed to disrupt the market with innovative
          ♦   Sustainable Innovation: Joint efforts to          packaging alternatives.
             bring sustainable and cutting-edge paper
             solutions tailored for CMC machines to the         "We are thrilled to join forces with Mondi, a com-
             eCommerce market.                                  pany  that  shares  our  unwavering  commitment

                                                                to sustainability and  innovation," expressed
          ♦   Market Impact: Aiming to revolutionise
             eCommerce packaging on demand with sus-            Luigi Russo, General Manager of CMC Packag-
             tainable, efficient, and cost-effective solu-      ing Automation. "This partnership enhances our
             tions.                                             machine performance and enables us to provide
                                                                our customers with responsible and sustainable

                   ondi, a leading global supplier of sus-      eCommerce packaging solutions that meet the
                   tainable paper and packaging, and            highest performance  requirements  and stand-
          MCMC Packaging Automation, a global                   ards.  After  successful  trials  with  Mondi kraft
          leader in fully automated packaging on-demand         paper on our machines, we are confident in its
          solutions, are proud to announce their strategic      exceptional  runability, ensuring  our customers
          partnership. Mondi has been designated as the         receive a seamless and efficient solution."
          preferred kraft paper partner for CMC machines,        Optimised Performance and Environmental Responsibility
          marking a significant step towards the most sus-
          tainable and efficient paper products tailored for    Mondi's extensive array of top-tier paper prod-
          CMC's state-of-the-art packaging systems.             ucts (such as Advantage eCom Kraft, EcoVan-
                                                                tage eCom Mailer Pro and EcoVantage eCom
          The collaboration between CMC and Mondi will          Mailer) is meticulously crafted to seamlessly op-
          focus on developing cutting-edge  packaging           erate on CMC machines, ensuring peak perfor-
          solutions that leverage the unique strengths of       mance and efficiency. The collaboration is laser-
          both companies. This partnership is set to de-        focused on crafting packaging materials that
          liver significant customer benefits, including en-    curtail environmental impact and enhance the
          hanced product quality and improved sustain-          overall packaging process.
                                                                "It's an honour to become CMC's preferred pa-
                             Innovating for a Sustainable Future
                                                                per partner," said Silvia Hanzelova, Sales Direc-
          This collaboration is dedicated to meeting the        tor Speciality Kraft Paper of Mondi. "Our joint
          demand for sustainable eCommerce paper and            efforts will focus on creating innovative kraft pa-
          packaging solutions. By building synergies be-        per solutions that support the circular economy

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