Page 65 - Plastics News August 2024
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          ticulously sorted by colour and creatively incor-     residents access to swimming after the Games.
          porated into the final product. The eco-friend-
          ly seats now adorn two Olympic arenas – the           But how did plastic play a role in this? Low-densi-
          Olympic Aquatic  Centre in Seine-Saint-Denis          ty expanded polystyrene can serve as a cushion
          and the Arena at Porte de la Chapelle in Paris.       between the ground and foundations, effective-
                                                                ly reducing pressure on structures due to clay
          After turning literal trash into treasure, the or-    heave, shrinkage, or other soil movements. The
          ganising committee made a generous decision...        innovative application of expanded polystyrene
          In a region where half of 11-year-olds do not         (Pecavoid) - served as robust formwork during
          know how to swim, the Seine-Saint-Denis swim-         concrete pouring, creating a protective void for
          ming pools will be gifted to the local community      the construction of the Basin of Austerlitz.
          after the 2024 Games end.
                                                                Stories of triumph and perseverance are not only
          2024 Olympic Aquatics Centre, Paris                   emerging  from  the participants  of Paris  2024.

                                                                The sustainability mission of the entire event
                                                                was designed with the environment at its core.
                                                                Plastics have been instrumental in shaping the

          Water Treatment for Swimming – Plastics in the
          Construction of Austerlitz Basin

          Following the recent  record-breaking  summer
          rainfall in the Paris region, the water quality in
          the river Seine has fallen below the standards set
          by public health authorities and World Aquatics.      2024 Olympics and will hopefully inspire future
                                                                organising committees of the endless possibili-
          To safeguard the well-being of swimmers, the          ties that plastic recycling, reuse and innovation
          Basin of Austerlitz development project was ini-      can achieve.
          tiated. The Austerlitz storage basin has the ca-
          pacity to hold the equivalent of twenty Olympic       Regardless of the medal, making strides in sport
          swimming pools of water. This innovative reser-       will be in the hands – and around the necks –
          voir empowers event organisers to proactively         of not only the athletes but also the organising
          manage extreme weather conditions by pre-             committee for their implementation of sustain-
          venting the discharge of wastewater into the          able practices for Olympic events today and in
          Seine during heavy rainfall. Improving the water      the future.
          quality  allows  for the  summer swimming  com-                                            SOURCE  - BPF
          petitions in the Seine River and will later grant

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