Page 69 - Plastics News August 2024
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and meet the needs of the eCommerce sec- mation and Mondi underscores a shared vision
tor. Together, we can drive significant positive of a more sustainable future. By leveraging their
change in the packaging industry, combining our combined expertise and resources, both com-
in-depth technical kraft paper knowledge power panies are poised to set new standards in the
and our partner CMC's long history of machine eCommerce packaging market, offering solu-
expertise." tions that are not only sustainable but also high-
ly efficient and cost-effective.
A Shared Vision for a More Sustainable Tomorrow
The partnership between CMC Packaging Auto-
SKZ expands regulatory training of plastics se-
lection with intensive course
Key Highlights: most important regulations, material compliance
processes and their integration into companies.
♦ The SKZ Plastics Center and the Swiss com-
pany Gradical are offering a two-day inten- The course will take place for the first time on
sive regulatory course in collaboration from Wednesday and Thursday, October 28 and 29,
fall 2024. 2024 at the SKZ headquarters in Würzburg and
will provide comprehensive knowledge of regu-
♦ The new course focuses on the most im-
portant material compliance regulations and latory aspects that must be taken into account
specific requirements in the plastics industry when selecting plastics. The new course focuses
in general and specifically for medical tech- on the most important material compliance reg-
nology. ulations and specific requirements in the plastics
industry in general, but also specifically for med-
♦ The target group for the new course includes ical technology. The latest information on PFAS
specialists who are often unsure about which and the REACH regulation are also part of the
materials or substances may be used or seminar.
which declarations are required when deal- Uncertainty with regulatory customer
ing with regulatory customer inquiries.
egulations are designed to ensure that
the environment and end users are pro- During the practical group exercises, the theo-
Rtected in the best possible way - this is retical content is deepened in order to consoli-
particularly true for the medical industry. How- date the knowledge acquired and to prepare the
ever, it is often a challenge for many small and participants for practical application. Each group
medium-sized companies to keep track of all the works on different tasks and presents their re-
relevant requirements. The SKZ Plastics Center sults in plenary. The exercises include answering
and the Swiss company Gradical are offering a regulatory queries, formulating statements and
two-day intensive course in collaboration from designing presentations on regulatory topics
fall 2024, which will provide an overview of the for management. The target group for the new
August 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 71