Page 70 - Plastics News August 2024
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course includes specialists who are often unsure business. I am delighted that we have been able
about which materials or substances may be to gain a competent partner with many years of
used or which declarations are required when expertise in Gradical."
dealing with regulatory customer inquiries.
Ever-increasing challenges for many
Frequent inquiries about material com- companies
"Regulations can be adapted from time to time,
"We are often confronted with inquiries about but this presents plastics processing compa-
material compliance. In smaller companies, op- nies and medical technology companies with
erational responsibility for this usually lies either ever-increasing challenges. The intensive course
with quality management, purchasing or direct- gives companies the opportunity to gain an up-
ly with the management. Keeping an overview to-date overview of the most important material
and knowing the right steps is often not easy,” compliance regulations and the requirements in
said Christoph Kreutz, group manager Training medical technology,” added Lucas Pianegonda,
Center Quality Management at SKZ in Würz- managing director at Gradical GmbH.
burg. "We have set up this course to support the SOURCE – INTERPLAS INSIGHTS
people who have to fulfill this task in day-to-day
TOMRA to showcase sensor-based sorting solu-
tions at RWM Expo 2024
Key Highlights: find out about TOMRA Recycling Sorting’s GAIN-
next applications to separate food-grade from
♦ Visitors to RWM Expo 2024 will have the op- non-food-grade plastics, as well as other world-
portunity to find out about TOMRA Recycling class sensor-based sorting solutions for waste
Sorting’s GAINnext applications to separate and metals on Stand ME-E200.
food-grade from non-food-grade plastics.
Directly behind Stand ME-E200, the team from
♦ TOMRA will also showcase other world-class
sensor-based sorting solutions for waste TOMRA Collection will be on Stand ME-E203 to
and metals including the latest version of IN- showcase its latest reverse vending machine
NOSORT FLAKE and AUTOSORT SPEEDAIR. solutions for clean loop recycling of aluminium,
plastic and glass beverage containers. With ap-
♦ TOMRA Recycling Sorting will be joined on proximately 85,000 installations across more
stand by the start-up PolyPerception which than 60 markets, particularly in regions with de-
offers AI-based waste flow monitoring, with posit return systems, TOMRA reverse vending
TOMRA having acquired a 25% stake in Pol- machines capture over 46 billion used bottles
yPerception earlier this year. and cans each year.
isitors to RWM Expo 2024, which takes A key focus for TOMRA’s Recycling Sorting divi-
place on 11-12 September at the NEC in sion at this year’s show will be three new appli-
VBirmingham, will have the opportunity to cations to separate food-grade from non-food-
72 PLASTICS NEWS August 2024