Page 44 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 44


          Bhupender Yadav underscored the significance          recycling practices for essential materials like
          of adopting circular economy practices at all         steel and plastics.
          stages—from product design to end-of-life man-
          agement.  He mentioned various government             The conference also saw the launch of the sec-
          policies aimed at improving waste management,         ond edition of NCEF, which aims to guide indus-
          including the Plastic Waste Management Rules          tries in developing sustainable business models
          and E-Waste Management Rules.                         through lifecycle assessments and circular prin-
                                                                ciples. The event recognized nearly 50 compa-
          Tokhan Sahu, Minister of State for Housing and        nies for excellence in waste-to-worth practices,
          Urban Affairs, discussed the transformative po-       with Grand Awardees including Schindler India
          tential of waste-to-worth principles and the Na-      Pvt Ltd and Blue Planet Environmental Solutions
          tional Circular Economy Framework (NCEF) as a         India Pvt Ltd. The conference brought together
          roadmap for sustainable urban development.            over  300  delegates,  facilitating  discussions  on
                                                                governance,  technology  innovations, and sus-
          Baldeo Purusharth from the Department of              tainable growth opportunities in waste manage-
          Economic Affairs highlighted the importance of        ment. This gathering reaffirmed India's commit-
          grassroots solutions in achieving a circular econ-    ment to leading global sustainable development
          omy, advocating for recognition of contribu-          initiatives.
          tions from individuals without formal expertise.
          Masood Mallick, Chairman of CII's National Com-                                  Source:- Business Standard
          mittee on Waste to Worth Technologies, stated
          that achieving net-zero goals requires innovative

           Falling EU competitiveness threatens circu-

           lar plastics transition

                 ew data confirms further decline in Eu-        sumer plastics also dropped by 7.8%, reaching
                 ropean  plastics manufacturing  and re-        7.1 Mt. These figures contrast with a 3.4% global
          Ncycled plastics production drops for first           increase  in plastics production and  mean that
          time                                                  Europe’s share of the global market has further
                                                                declined to 12%. Whilst Europe has maintained a
          Brussels, 18 November 2024                            positive trade balance in value terms, in tonnage
                                                                terms it became a net importer of plastics resins
          Plastics Europe’s latest data on the health of the    in 2022 and plastic finished goods in 2021, and
          European plastics system highlights a steeper-        exports of plastics resins fell by 25.4% between
          than-expected  downturn in the production of          2020 and 2023.
          plastics and, for the first time, in mechanically
          recycled plastics production in 2023 in Europe.       Europe’s eroding competitiveness threatens our
                                                                industry’s circular plastics transition. Plastics are
          Compared to 2022, total EU plastics production        essential for the European economy, supplying
          saw a sharp decline of 8.3%, falling to 54 Mt, while   multiple industries with applications  in almost
          production of mechanically recycled post-con-         every sector, including healthcare, automotive,

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