Page 57 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 57


          (AFSP),  Afera  is also  working  on  developing      Afera's guidelines on sustainable adhesive tapes
          design-for-recycling (DfR) guidelines specifically    represent a significant step forward in enhanc-
          for packaging tape manufacturers and convert-         ing the industry's  environmental  performance.
          ers. This initiative aims to ensure that adhesive     By focusing on lifecycle impacts, waste manage-
          tapes contribute positively to packaging sustain-     ment, regulatory engagement, and collaborative
          ability efforts. The publication of these guidelines   efforts, Afera is paving the way for a more sus-
          reflects Afera's proactive stance on addressing       tainable future in adhesive tape production and
          environmental challenges and its commitment           usage.
          to supporting the European Green Deal's objec-                                 Source: - Sustainable plastics
          tives. By promoting sustainable practices within
          the adhesive tape industry, Afera aims to posi-
          tion its members as leaders in the transition to-
          wards a more circular economy.

          How composites are advancing wide

          diameter tube development

                                                                making them crucial for projects that demand
                                                                structural integrity.

                                                                In the construction sector, wide diameter tubes
                                                                serve multiple functions, such as structural sup-
                                                                ports, utility poles, and fender systems in marina
                                                                construction. In the oil and gas industry, these
                                                                tubes are used as pipelines, effectively manag-
                                                                ing high pressure and flow rates associated with
                                                                transporting fluids over long distances. They also
                     ith a projected value of $145 billion by   play a vital role in robotics and military applica-
                     2030, the large diameter pipe mar-         tions, used in large-scale masts and antennas.
          Wket is poised for significant growth,                Composite materials, such as carbon fiber and
          driven by rising investments in water manage-         fiberglass, provide substantial benefits over tra-
          ment and infrastructure renewal. However, the         ditional materials for wide-diameter tubes, par-
          applications of wide diameter tubes extend be-        ticularly when manufactured using the pultrusion
          yond these projects.
          Wide diameter tubes have a diameter of over           This continuous production process involves
          100mm  and  are  designed  to  handle  many  in-      drawing reinforcing fibers, such as glass or car-
          dustrial applications due to their robust size and    bon, through a resin matrix and curing them in
          strength.  These  tubes are  engineered  to  sup-     a heated die to create lightweight, durable pro-
          port substantial loads and resist external forces,
                                                                files with exceptional precision. Pultrusion signifi-

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