Page 58 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 58


          cantly reduces material waste and ensures con-        able infrastructure solutions grows. Their high
          sistent quality, making it an efficient and reliable   strength-to-weight  ratio  makes  them  ideal  for
          solution for producing high-performance tubes.        applications such as pedestrian bridge supports
                                                                or in the rehabilitation of existing structures, of-
          Composites also excel in corrosion resistance.        fering a durable and low-maintenance alterna-
          In harsh marine environments, where wide di-          tive to traditional materials. In robotics, the use
          ameter tubes might serve as structural support        of wide diameter tubes in large-scale manipu-
          for piers, composites can have a service life that    lators is also expected to increase, with com-
          surpasses that of traditional materials like wood     posites enabling the creation of lightweight yet
          or steel, which can begin to corrode within five      robust structures. Similarly, in aerospace, these
          to ten years. While building standards and codes      tubes  could become  integral  to support  struc-
          account for the expected durability of these ma-      tures for aircraft and spacecraft, contributing to
          terials, composites can offer a longer lifespan.      weight reduction while maintaining strength.

          The role of wide diameter composite tubes is set                                  Source: - Interplas insights
          to expand  significantly  as  demand  for sustain-


                                                                                            andui  Industries  Pvt.
                                                                                            Ltd.  has developed
                                                                                    Kan extremely effi-

                                                                                    cient  desiccant  masterbatch
                                                                                    WATER-SUKKER        used    to
                                                                                    eliminate moisture at dosage
                                                                                    as low as 0.5% from plastic

                                                                                    material  which  is  mainly  ac-
                                                                                    cumulated in polymers / filler
                                                                                    masterbatches during trans-
                                                                                    portation and due to high hu-

                                                                                    midity. This next generation
                                                                                    desiccant masterbatch can be
                                                                                    used in all types of polyolefin
                                                                                    processing applications.

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