Page 53 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 53


          A detailed knowledge of the energy consump-           do mold changes last, or how long did an unex-
          tion and the distribution of energy in each step      pected maintenance take.
          of the molding cycle gives you information to
          optimize the process. Some times excessive            It is also hard to find the budget to invest in quick
          packing pressure or back pressure can drasti-         mold change systems, but a deeper look into the
          cally increase energy consumption.                    statistics may show you how to justify it. Also, if
                                                                you need to upgrade your automation system, it
          Also,  it  is important  to understand  when  it is   may be wise to start understanding the time lost
          preferrable to increase energy consumption in         by failure in peripheric equipment.
          the electric resistances on the barrel to reduce
          viscosity, and thus reduce pressure demand. As        A frequent cause for downtime is color change
          everything in molding, there is an optimum bal-       or resin change. Many companies are still reluc-
          ance and it is worth to invest time finding the       tant to use purging systems. Purge seems to be
          sweet spot.                                           more expensive per pound than PEAD, for ex-
                                                                ample, but the performance of each material is
          Increase Uptime                                       totally different. An important practice in every
                                                                technical molding is to use purging compound
          This may seem obvious, but some companies do          suited to the resin and process temperature you
          not monitor the downtime in their machines. It is     are using.
          often hard to find reliable statistics on how much
                                                                                         Source – Plastics Engineering

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