Page 56 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 56


          commitment to meeting global market demands           By providing cutting-edge solutions that address
          while promoting sustainable practices in plastics     both efficiency and environmental concerns, ER-
          recycling. EREMA Group's expansion through            EMA is paving the way for a more sustainable
          UMAC’s  ReadyMac  product  line not  only en-         future in plastics.
          hances its offerings but also reinforces its role as                              Source: - Interplas insights
          a leader in the global plastics recycling industry.

         Afera publishes guidelines on sustainable

         use of adhesive tapes

                                                                sustainability goals across various sectors.

                                                                The guidelines provide standardized life cycle
                                                                analyses to help manufacturers understand the
                                                                environmental impact of their products through-
                                                                out their lifecycle. A focus on improving waste
                                                                management practices during both the manu-
                                                                facturing and usage phases of adhesive tapes is
                                                                emphasized. This includes strategies for minimiz-
                                                                ing waste generation and promoting recycling.

                                                                Afera encourages active engagement with poli-
                  fera, the European Adhesive Tape As-          cymakers to ensure that upcoming sustainability
                  sociation, has recently published com-        regulations consider the unique aspects of the
          Aprehensive guidelines aimed at promot-               adhesive tape industry. The guidelines advocate
          ing the sustainable use of adhesive tapes. This       for a clear distinction between managing plastic
          initiative is part of Afera's broader commitment      waste and regulating primary plastic production.
          to sustainability within the adhesive tape indus-
          try, focusing on enhancing recyclability, reducing    Afera supports the mass balance chain-of-
          material  usage,  and  improving  overall  environ-   custody method as a transitional mechanism
          mental performance. Afera has established a           to increase circular content in products. This
          Sustainability Working Group (Sus-WG) to spear-       approach allows for the integration of renew-
          head efforts in promoting adhesive tapes as           able and recycled materials into adhesive tape
          sustainable solutions. The group, led by Regula-      production without compromising quality. The
          tory Affairs Manager Pablo Englebienne, aims to       guidelines stress the importance of partnerships
          raise awareness about the benefits of adhesive        within the industry to enhance sustainability ef-
          tapes, including their potential to improve prod-     forts. Afera is committed to facilitating collabo-
          uct recyclability and reduce weight in packaging      ration among its members to share best prac-
          applications. The guidelines emphasize that ad-       tices and innovative solutions.
          hesive tapes can play a crucial role in achieving
                                                                As part  of its Flagship  Sustainability  Project

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