Page 54 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 54
PA 66/PPA Blends Bridge Performance,
Price Gap for Advanced Metal Replacement
not only enhances fuel efficiency in automotive
applications but also contributes to lower pro-
duction costs due to less material usage.
Simulation and Optimization: BASF provides ac-
cess to its Ultrasim simulation tool, enabling
customers to optimize designs for noise, vibra-
tion, and harshness (NVH) performance. This
capability allows for improved assembly robust-
ness and further consolidation of parts.
ASF has introduced a new polyamide The development of Ultramid T7000 reflects
(PA) and polyphthalamide (PPA) blend, a broader trend in the plastics industry towards
BUltramid(R) T7000, which aims to bridge using advanced polymers as substitutes for met-
the performance and price gap in advanced als. Similar products from other manufacturers,
metal replacement applications. This innovative such as the TEREZ GT3 line from TER Plastics
material is designed for structural components Polymer Group, also emphasize high glass fiber
that require both high mechanical properties and content for enhanced stiffness and strength.
moisture resistance, making it particularly suit- These materials are engineered to meet strin-
able for industries such as automotive, where gent requirements in automotive and mechani-
durability and performance are critical. cal engineering applications while offering ad-
ditional benefits like corrosion resistance and
Ultramid T7000 exhibits higher and more con- improved flow ability.
sistent stiffness and strength compared to tradi-
tional PA66. This is especially beneficial in humid The introduction of Ultramid T7000 represents
conditions, where the PPA component reduces a significant advancement in the quest for effec-
water absorption, ensuring excellent dimension- tive metal replacements in structural applica-
al stability. tions. By combining the strengths of PA66 and
PPA, BASF is providing a solution that not only
The blend is ideal for various structural parts meets the mechanical demands of modern engi-
exposed to moisture, including automotive mir- neering but also supports sustainability through
ror housings, air brake components, and furni- weight reduction and improved manufacturing
ture elements. Its ability to be injection molded efficiency. As industries increasingly seek alter-
like PA66 allows for a glossy surface finish while natives to traditional materials, innovations like
maintaining robust mechanical characteristics. Ultramid T7000 will play a crucial role in shap-
ing the future of lightweight construction.
By replacing metal with this advanced polymer
blend, manufacturers can achieve significant Source:- TER plastics & BASF
weight and cost savings. The reduction in weight
54 PLASTICS NEWS December 2024