Page 40 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 40


The Union Budget 2017                                          – 	 Allowable provision for Non-Performing Asset of Banks
                                                                     for tax relief increased from 7.5% to 8.5% of total
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley presented the union                    income.
    budget for fiscal 2017-18 on February 1, 2107. In
the last two and half years administration has moved           – 	 Interest taxable on actual receipt instead of accrual
from discretionary, favouritism based to system and                  basis in respect of NPA accounts of all non-scheduled
transparency based Inflation brought under control. CPI-             cooperative banks also to be treated at par with
based inflation declined from 6% in July 2016 to 3.4% in             scheduled banks.
December, 2016 Economy has moved on a high growth
path. India’s Current Account Deficit declined from about      – 	 Banks have targeted to introduce additional 10 lakh
1% of GDP last year to 0.3% of GDP in the first half of 2016-        new POS terminals by March 2017. They will be
17. FDI grew 36% in H1 2016-17 over H1 2015-16, despite              encouraged to introduce 20 lakh Aadhar based POS
5% reduction in global FDI inflows. Foreign exchange                 by September 2017.
reserves have reached 361 billion US Dollars as on 20th
January, 2017 .                                                – 	 The Budget has restricted set off of loss from house
                                                                     property against income under any other head during
Key Features of Budget 2017-2018                                     the current year upto R2 lakh (loss carry forward will
                                                                     be allowed)
                                                               Impact on Companies:
                                                               –	 Considering higher stress in asset quality and capital
–	 Higher outlay for infrastructure & transportation                 adequacy parameters, additional capital infusion was
      segment                                                        expected over and above R10,000 crore. Increase in
                                                                     allowable provision for NPA for tax relief from 7.5%
– 	 Higher allocation for farm credit                                to 8.5% of total income will marginally reduce tax
                                                                     liabilities. Positive for housing finance companies
– 	 Reduction in tax burden for individuals (on income of            operating in affordable housing loans & negative for
      upto Rs 5 lakh)                                                entities active in mid/large ticket home loans.

Impact on Companies:                                           Impact on the Industry:

– 	 Various measures announced are expected to have            –	 R10,000 crore of capital infusion in PSU Banks for
      marginally positive impact on the automobile Original          FY18 is as per the roadmap set under “Indra-dhanush”
      Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).                                scheme announced by the government in August 2015.

Impact on the Industry:

– 	 Positive for commercial vehicle demand

– 	 Shall fuel the demand for farm equipment & tractors

– 	 Likely to stir up demand for two wheelers and small
      car segment



– 	 Capital infusion of R10,000 crore in PSU Banks for

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