Page 60 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 60

Product NEWS

The new Sidel StarLite Tropical base for PET bottles

The new Sidel StarLite Tropical base is enlarging the           successfully completed a very demanding creeping test
     family of StarLite bottle solutions originally developed   conducted over 72 hours under 38°C and 50% moisture
by Sidel packaging experts. This latest addition to the         conditions. This proved a good base roll-out resistance
range is designed to offer a flexible solution for CSD, in      when the bottle is under pressure at high temperature
all packaging sizes from 0.25 to 3 litres. Additionally, it is  and demonstrated that it is less likely to burst during
applicable to the different standard levels of carbonation.     production or to deform during transportation. Also,
It is specifically designed for CSD bottles undergoing harsh    Sidel packaging experts conducted various trials through
conditions - for instance when produced and distributed         computer simulations, followed by real-world physical
                                                                tests, to achieve optimum bottle strength. In those
                                                                tests the StarLite Tropical design resulted in improved
                                                                bottle stability and – again - more resistance to extreme
                                                                temperatures (hot and cold). Vincent Le Guen, Vice
                                                                President, Packaging at Sidel says, “The Sidel StarLite
                                                                Tropical base is already in production in far-eastern
                                                                countries by Sidel customers who have trialled the
                                                                base and achieved great performance results, including
                                                                significant improvements in resistance to stress cracking.”

in the supply chain at very high temperatures or in             The improved bottle stability is achieved through the
environments which are particularly humid.                      enhanced base standing surface. High surface contact of
                                                                the base’s feet ensures easy bottle transportation and
The end result is a PET bottle that offers improved             smooth conveying, an efficient solution for even high-
resistance in terms of stress cracking and creeping, as         output lines. This prevents bottles falling when passing
well as better stability throughout the supply chain. It also   through machine interfaces within the PET bottling line
avoids material waste during production and storage while       and results in a higher production uptime. As Le Guen adds,
offering a great consumer experience and not compromising       “The new StarLite Tropical base takes all the benefits of
on the safety standards of the beverage inside. The StarLite    the original StarLite base, enlarging them to all producers
Tropical base has been designed to improve performance          of carbonated soft drinks. Now, they can incorporate
in terms of resistance. Its optimised geometry reinforces       the large and stable base to their containers’ designs,
all the zones which are more susceptible to stress cracking     to greatly improve bottle performance throughout the
due to mechanical constraints. This avoids potential            supply chain.”
breaking of the PET bottle walls and base which can be
caused by interactions with fluids or chemicals during the      Having an enhanced venting design, the new Sidel StarLite
conveying stage.                                                Tropical base moulds are offering an optimised cooling
                                                                capacity to further improve bottle base performances.
The base has been evaluated and qualified under rigorous        Available for all Sidel moulds, they are easy to implement
test protocols which are internationally recognised. It         in PET?production lines and can even be retrofitted to
                                                                existing Sidel CSD moulds to adapt bottle designs. The
                                                                new base can be applied to all lines equipped with any
                                                                generation of Sidel blowers, in standalone - with an
                                                                additional post-mould cooling base device - or Combi
                                                                configurations. Line conversion is quick and, in some
                                                                cases, only needing a simple adjustment to filling-levels.

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