Page 58 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 58

Business NEWS

 Prince Pipes chairman Jayant                                                     SK Innovation to acquire
 Chheda raises stake in Vikas                                                     Dow Chemical Co's ethylene
 Ecotech                                                                          acrylic acid (EAA) busines

Jayant Chheda, chairman Prince Pipes & Fittings Pvt Ltd, has                      South Korea's SK Innovation plans acquire Dow
       raised his stake in the New Delhi-based Vikas Ecotech Ltd                      Chemical Co's ethylene acrylic acid (EAA)
  to over 8 percent from present 1.26 percent with Rs 34 crores                   business for US$370 mln, a move that will expand
  equity infusion. While Prince Pipes & Fittings Ltd is India’s                   its range of high value-added chemical products,
  third largest PVC pipes manufacturer,Vikas Ecotech Ltd (VEL)                    as per Reuters. The acquisition, made through its
  manufactures organotin heatstabiliser - a lead-free alternative                 unit SK Global Chemical Co Ltd, will include Dow
  additive used in plasticsindustry. Jayant Chheda said                           Chemical's EAA business in the United States and
                                                                                  Spain. "We will continue strategic investments to
                                                              "Similar to global  upgrade our business structure and in the long
                                                              trends, I see       term we aim to be the leader in high-value added
                                                              Indian PVC pipe     chemicals for emerging markets including China,"
                                                              in particular and   Kim HyungKun, president of SK Global Chemical,
                                                              plasticsindustry    said in a statement. Dow said the sale was part of
                                                              in general          the ongoing regulatory process for its $130 billion
                                                              shifting to lead-   merger with DuPont (DD.N) and that the divestiture
                                                              free stabilisers    would be "conditioned" on the two companies closing
  and eco-friendly chemical alternatives like organotins over                     their deal.
  the next 3-5 years.                                                             The merger of Dow and DuPont, announced in
                                                                                  December 2015, has drawn regulatory scrutiny,
  In this context, Vikas Ecotech is the only Indian company that                  particularly in the European Union. SK Innovation
  has built in-house industrial performance ready product and                     said in January that it would invest up to $2.5 billion
  solutions basket that is free of lead & other harmful chemicals                 in chemicals, oil exploration and battery businesses
  and serves as an eco-friendly alternative. It will help the PVC                 to spur growth. The acquisition, made through its
  and other plastic based industries to become environment                        unit SK Global Chemical Co Ltd, will include Dow
  friendly."He added, "My investment in an individual capacity is                 Chemical's EAA business in the United States and
  with the sole intention of being part of Vikas Ecotech's exciting               Spain.Ethylene acrylic acid is mainly used as an
  future growth journey enabled through a great societal                          adhesive for wrapping products such as aluminum
  benefit - lead-free products and a green world for our future                   foil.
  generations ." Vikas Garg, managing director, VEL, stated, "Our
  resolve always has been to shift the industry towards eco-
  friendly and lead-free products & solutions. We look forward
  to Jayant Chheda's business acumen and strategic guidance
  to further cement our market and innovation leadership as
  an Indian entity." Prince Pipes & Fittings is already a long-
  term and strategic customer of VEL.The union government
  enacted a legislation to ban the use of lead inn decorative
  home paints segment in the last Parliament session. Similar
  legislation is expected to be promulgated for other sectors.
  "We believe a similar legislation bores well for the country
  and India's PVC industry," said Garg. Vikas Ecotech will utilise
  Rs 34 crore for expansion of its R&D facilities, setting up new
  manufacturing plants and strengthening its marketing efforts
  for both domestic andEXPORTS markets.

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