Page 59 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 59

Business NEWS

Jain Irrigation Systems                                  Reliance Industries signs JV
acquires Australia's Observant                           with SIBUR
                                                         Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has signed a
Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd (JISL) has acquired               memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a joint
    the technology and core team of Australia’s          venture with Russian petrochemical giant SIBUR to set
Observant Pty Ltd, which provides in-field hardware      up South Asia’s first butyl rubber halogenation unit
and cloud based applications for precision farm          at RIL’s integrated petrochemical site in Jamnagar,
water management. The acquisition will combine           Gujarat. Production capacity was confirmed at 60,000
Observant’s broad field monitoring and control

technology with Jain’s global irrigation manufacturing   mtpa of halogenated butyl rubber at Reliance Sibur
and precision agriculture technology (Ag Tech)           Elastomers Pvt Ltd (RSEPL), a joint venture in which
platform to provide farmers with a broad suite of        RIL owns 74.9% and SIBUR owns 25.1%.The MoU was
capabilities to increase crop yields while, at the       signed at the recently concluded Vibrant Gujarat
same time, responsibly and profitably manage limited     Global Summit in Gandhinagar. Apart from the planned
resources. “Technology and innovation are core focus     halogenation unit, the JV owns a 1,20,000-mtpa butyl
areas for Jain. We are thrilled to have the opportunity  rubber plant, currently under construction at the same
to access the best technology in the industry with       venue. It will provide the necessary butyl rubber feed
Observant, a globally recognised Ag Tech leader. The     to the halogenation unit.
award winning Observant product line is ready to
scale to the tremendous global market that the Jain      Construction of the plant is on in full swing at Jamnagar,
company services. With Jain’s backing, farmers will      and commissioning is targeted for 2018. “RSEPL’s
have access to the best technology and the backing of    halogenated butyl rubber plant will be well-poised to
a 30-year-old company with 11,000 associates,” said      capitalise on the significant surge in regional demand
Aric Olson, president of Jain Irrigation Inc, a wholly-  intyre and pharmaceutical industries. India is expected
owned subsidiary of JISL.                                to see a quantum jump in tyreproduction, with Indian
                                                         and international tyre majors gearing up to make
Anil Jain, managing director of Jain Irrigation          capital investments of Rs 15,000 crore,” commented
Systems Limited, said, “In combination with our          Nikhil Meswani, executive director, Reliance Industries
complementary products technologies from the US,         Ltd.
Australia, India, and Israel, we have unmatched
capabilities to help farmers deliver on our promise of
‘More Crop per Drop’.”

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